• Lilis Masyfufah STIKes Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo
  • Diah Wijayanti Sutha STIKES Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo


Writing scientific papers is still an obligation for university student to graduate from their education, including heath students. In the health department, the written work prepared is problem solving. One of the courses that must be taken to support this final assignment is Methodology of Health Science, but it is still felt not enough to make a students understand to produce a systematic final work. Therefore, need a training about “The Effective Ways to Prepare Systematic Writing for Health Collages. The activity method is carried out by means of online training, with the aim of covering more participants and can be accessed from anywhere. The result of this activity is that participants are given exposure regarding how to check written work so that it systematically complies with the rules for writing scientific papers. Written work for a final project majoring in health must start from a problem which is the studied using certain theories and methods, so that it can produce a relevant solution to the problem. This activity took place with active participants because it was to be given especially to final yeat health student. 

Keywords: research method, scientific writing training, scientific paper for health student 


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