• Deni Sabriyati Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
  • Tri Apriadi Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
  • Winny Retna Melani Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
  • Andi Zulfikar Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji


Coastal and small island ecosystems play a central role in the development and well-being of communities. In Senggarang Subdistrict, Tanjungpinang City, the condition of coastal ecosystems is a crucial focus for maintaining balance and productivity. Through community engagement activities, this initiative aims to enhance environmental awareness and knowledge among residents regarding the monitoring of the current conditions of the aquatic ecosystem in the area. The partners in this endeavor are the residents of Senggarang Subdistrict, living in proximity to the aquatic environment. The methods employed include Mapping waters condition, socialization (commencing with pre-tests and concluding with post-tests), dissemination of information through an e-catalog, and focus group discussions (FGDs). The outcomes of this initiative are mapping the potential of coastal and aquatic ecosystems, creating an e-catalog containing up-to-date information on water conditions, upgrading of community knowledge about it and identifying issues faced by the community. Through active communication with the community, challenges such as coastal cleanliness and flood disasters have been identified, requiring special attention. The significance of these engagement outcomes lies in the effort to enhance community awareness and knowledge of their environment for further actions in sustaining and managing aquatic ecosystems effectively. 


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Muzammil, W., Apriadi, T., Melani, W. R., Zulfikar, A.(2021). Pengenalan Biota Akuatik Aliran Sungai Senggarang dengan E-Katalog melalui pembelajaran tatap muka sesuai protokol kesehatan Covid-19. Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2021–2032.

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Rasip, A., Apriadi, T. & Azizah, D. (2023). Kelimpahan Zooplankton Berdasarkan Waktu dan Kedalaman di Perairan Senggarang Besar Tanjungpinang. Skripsi. UMRAH.

Sinaga, M.V., Melani, W. R. & Zulfikar, A. (2023). Sampah Laut dan Kaitannya dengan Kepadatan Gastropoda di Perairan Senggarang Besar Kota Tanjungpinang. Skripsi. UMRAH. Skripsi. UMRAH.

Undang-undang No 2 tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil.

Yanti, E., Apriadi, T. & Zulfikar, A. (2023). Keanekaragaman Fitoplankton dan Kaitannya dengan Kondisi Perairan di Senggarang Besar Kota Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau. Skripsi. UMRAH
