Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga 2024-12-28T14:57:17+00:00 Hermanto Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Abdi Panca Marga ( e-ISSN 2746-4105 ) merupakan jurnal untuk mempublikasikan hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat secara luas. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo. Terbitan berkala dari jurnal ini adalah dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Mei dan bulan November.</p> PELATIHAN AUTOCAD UNTUK PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PEMUDA MEMBUAT GAMBAR KERJA RUMAH TYPE 36 DI KELURAHAN RANOTANA WERU 2024-12-05T08:57:41+00:00 Hendrik Suryo Suriandjo Ayesha A. L. Malonda Karry E. H Umboh <p>Community Service Activities are part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, and Nusantara University of Manado through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), in 2024 will carry out Community Service for Beginners (PMP) activities with Engineering Graduate Youth Group Partners located in Ranotana Weru Village, Manado City, called the REZA Engineering Youth Group. This partner was chosen because this community group works in the engineering sector but does not yet have permanent employment due to minimal understanding and mastery of the AutoCAD drawing program and only receiving engineering education at the vocational school, D3 and/or college level. This community service activity aims to ensure that partners know and understand the AutoCAD program and improve their ability to operate AutoCAD at an advanced level to design type 36 houses. This activity is carried out in the form of training for partners using the focus group discussion (FGD) method, participant learning center (PCL) through training and participatory action (PA). The results of the training activities can be identified that: 1) an 80% increase in partner knowledge and skills related to AutoCAD, 2) an increase of 92% of partners can operate AutoCAD commands, and 3) an 80% increase in the ability of partners to understand working drawings. The results of these activities concluded that this activity had succeeded in increasing the competence of youth partners in the field of engineering through AutoCAD training to make working drawings of Type 36 houses.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> dedication, AutoCAD, partners, improvement</em></p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN DAUN KELOR SEBAGAI BAHAN PANGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN GIZI BALITA 2024-12-05T09:01:37+00:00 Betanuari Sabda Nirwana Anis Nikmatul Nikmah Alfika Awatiszahro Khofidhotur Rofiah Ida Tri Wahyuni <p>Nutritional problems for toddlers will arise if the food intake consumed does not match the nutritional needs of toddlers. Nutritional problems that commonly arise include malnutrition and malnutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition and malnutrition among children under five in Indonesia is increasing compared to 2010 to 2019. The number of children under five with malnutrition and malnutrition in Indonesia in 2019 was 19.6% and it is estimated that there are still 4.5 million children under five with malnutrition and malnutrition. less has not been detected. The aim of this community service is to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers of toddlers to use Moringa leaves as an additional food ingredient to improve toddler nutrition. Moringa leaves contain many nutrients and are a source of vitamins and minerals for the body, so they are good for use as a food additive for toddlers. This community service activity was carried out at the Posyandu in Kawedusan Village, Plosoklaten District, Kediri Regency. This activity provides health education and skills in making food menus using Moringa leaves to 25 mothers of toddlers. Evaluation of success was assessed by a post test given to mothers of toddlers. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in knowledge and skills about the benefits of Moringa leaves for mothers of toddlers with an assessment of knowledge and skills in the good category, namely 8% during the pre-test, after health education and skills in processing Moringa leaves, the post-test results were in the good category, 84%. The conclusion of this community service activity was an increase in the knowledge and skills of mothers of toddlers in understanding the importance of nutrition for toddlers and how to make toddler food menus using Moringa leaves.</p> <p><strong>Keywords :</strong> Moringa leaves, improving nutrition, toddler nutrition</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EDUKASI DAN PENDAMPINGAN PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL SECARA SEHAT MELALUI ELECTRONIC POCKETBOOK SEBAGAI SARANA PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI PADA PELAJAR 2024-12-05T09:22:25+00:00 Meidi Saputra Tika Dwi Tama Moh Fery Fauzi Ratu Suci Sholikhah Wati Sukma Ulandari <p>The health world is no stranger to cases related to the adolescent reproductive system. The case is caused by a lack of knowledge about adolescents' reproductive system including the health of the reproductive organs. The purpose of this community service is to provide education as well as provide assistance to junior high school (junior high school) students to be wise in using social media and access platforms on social media as a means for reproductive health education for students. Partners in this service are students, teachers and principals of Muhammadiyah 1 Malang Junior High School. The method of implementing this community service consists of 1) analyzing the situation by conducting pre-service in the form of observation and initial interviews with service partners, namely the teacher council and several students related to the problems faced, 2) planning service activities that focus on education and mentoring, 3) implementation of community service and 4) Evaluation of service by conducting a reflection session on the achievements of the service team. The result of this community service is that the students of Muhammadiyah 1 Malang Junior High School get insights related to reproductive health so that they have readiness to face the dynamics of puberty. In addition, they are also expected to have a wise attitude in using social media.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Education, Electronic Pocketbook, social media, Mentoring, Reproduction</em></p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN AKURASI ARAH KIBLAT DALAM IBADAH MASYARAKAT CAMPUREJO KOTA KEDIRI 2024-12-05T13:53:32+00:00 Titin Widya Risni Hendy Hendy Pramadya Vitasmoro <p>The accuracy of the Qibla direction is a crucial requirement in performing prayers. However, errors in determining the Qibla direction are still common and can affect the validity of worship. To address this issue, a community service program was conducted at Musholla Al-Latief Campurejo, aiming to enhance the community's understanding and skills in accurately determining the Qibla direction. This program employed modern technological approaches and astronomical methods, designed participatively to actively involve the community. The methods included education, hands-on practice, and Qibla direction verification using the A'zam Kiblat technique and observations of the Rashdul Kiblat phenomenon. Tools such as digital applications like Qibla Finder and shadow observations of upright objects during the sun's alignment over the Kaaba were utilized. The program ran from July 11 to 20, 2024, involving collaboration between facilitators, mosque caretakers, and the local community. The results demonstrated an increased scientific understanding among participants regarding the importance of Qibla accuracy and their ability to verify the direction using modern technology. High community enthusiasm and synergy among stakeholders also strengthened solidarity and awareness of the significance of precision in prayer rituals. Thus, this program successfully provided practical solutions and made a tangible contribution to improving the quality of worship among the community.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Qibla direction; prayer worship (Sholat); astronomical methods; mosque management (takmir); modern technology.</em></p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH KULIT BAWANG MERAH UNTUK PESTISIDA NABATI SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PESTISIDA SINTETIS 2024-12-11T14:41:12+00:00 Tedy Herlambang Retno Sulistiyowati Ida Sugeng Suyani M. Rizky Hidayatullah Hela Yuliawati Fika Anjani Shodiqy Dwi Sa’adatun N. Ghina Fauziyah <p>This community service aims to utilize shallot peel waste as a basic ingredient for biopesticides. The background of this service is concern about the dominant use of synthetic pesticides by farmers as a strategy for controlling pests and diseases. This strategy is unsustainable in the long term because of its deadly side effects and reactions not only for humans and other animals, but also for non-target plants, organisms around the plants and the environment. In addition, there are also concerns about the development of pest resistance to this synthetic pesticide. The target is farmers in Klaseman Village, Gending District, Probolinggo Regency by utilizing abundant available shallot peeled waste in their sorrounding. The main activities that covers counseling, demonstration of the making process, demonstration of application on plants and witnessing the effectiveness of the application provide positive results in the form of increased knowledge, skills about the benefits of shallot peel waste. Based on the effectiveness of the application of onion peel extract as a vegetable pesticide can inhibit the growth of onion plant pests, it is hoped that in the long term the community will reduce the use of synthetic pesticides and switch to plant-based pesticides.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em>&nbsp;biopesticide, shallot peel waste</em></p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MEMBANGUN KESADARAN HUKUM MASYARAKAT MELALUI LAYANAN BANTUAN HUKUM BAGI MASYARAKAT MISKIN DI DESA BATUR KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2024-12-05T15:35:26+00:00 Herdy Pratama Susantyo Ahmad Nabiel Syahbana Moh Samsul Haji Imam Mujtahid Azzuhdi Ahmad Afandi <p>Legal aid services are a forum for a person or group of poor people to gain understanding and legal protection if a problem occurs in their area. Legal Aid Services (LBH) there is a new hope for the community to help them to try to find justice in various fields of law, especially for those who are categorized as financially and socially disadvantaged and do not understand well the legal rules that apply in Indonesia today, it is hoped that with this community service can develop knowledge of the functions and benefits of legal aid facilitated by the State. With the existence of legal aid for the poor as an alternative to achieve justice, benefits and legal certainty. Judicial institutions through legal aid services are obliged to provide free legal aid to legal seekers and are prohibited from refusing what is an obligation as intended in the sense of providing free legal aid as a form of service to the poor or needy. However, the people of Batur Village, Probolinggo Regency, currently some still do not know that this free legal aid is available to those who are financially disadvantaged. Especially for those who live in areas far from cities or remote villages, legal knowledge is minimal (layman) in terms of the development of information related to the existence of legal aid services. In connection with this, the purpose of carrying out this community service is to empower the community, educate and find solutions to increase awareness of the rule of law, especially the case that is currently happening in Batur Village regarding Domestic violence (Domestic Violence) that always occurs in the village. Based on the settlement of the above cases, the method used in this activity is socialization/education of legal aid for the poor to increase legal awareness in Batur Village, Probolinggo Regency.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> legal awareness, legal aid services, poor community.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INOVASI PENGOLAHAN SERAI MENJADI MINYAK ATSIRI BERNILAI EKONOMI TINGGI MELALUI METODE DESTILASI UAP SEDERHANA 2024-12-17T16:17:23+00:00 Elok Dwi Vidiyastutik Vita Rahmatun Nazilah Amalia Hikmatul Jannah Ahmad Mustofa Ibnu Hidayat <p>This service aims to examine the effectiveness of a simple steam distillation method in processing lemongrass into essential oil with high economic value. The simple steam distillation method is a technique for separating a mixture of substances based on their boiling point differences, using steam as the separation medium. The simple steam distillation method is chosen for its simplicity, low cost, and ability to produce essential oils of good quality. The process begins with the preparation of fresh lemongrass raw materials, followed by the distillation process using a specially designed steam distillation apparatus. The variables being observed include distillation time, the ratio of raw materials to water, and temperature. The results of the service show that this method is effective in extracting essential oils with adequate yield and high quality. Chemical analysis of the essential oil produced shows the presence of main components such as citronella, geraniol, and limonene, which have a high market value. This service provides important insights into the potential economic value of citronella essential oil and offers alternative processes that can be applied on a small industrial scale. Thus, simple steam distillation has proven to be an efficient and economical method for processing lemongrass into high-value products.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TRANSFORMASI PRODUKTIVITAS DAN EFISIENSI KELOMPOK NELAYAN MELALUI PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI MESIN PERAS DAN PENGADUK OTOMATIS 2024-12-06T00:17:10+00:00 Ahmad Iskandar Rahmansyah Khusnik Hudzafidah Siti Masluha Junaidi Junaidi <p>Peningkatan produktivitas dan efisiensi menjadi tantangan utama bagi kelompok nelayan dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar yang terus berkembang. Teknologi mesin peras dan pengaduk otomatis diterapkan pada Kelompok Ibu-Ibu Nelayan (Bayu Segara) untuk mengatasi kendala produksi yang sebelumnya mengandalkan metode manual. Penerapan teknologi ini menghasilkan efisiensi waktu kerja, konsistensi kualitas produk, dan pengurangan pemborosan bahan baku. Pelatihan intensif diberikan untuk memastikan penguasaan teknologi oleh anggota kelompok, mendukung kemampuan bersaing di pasar yang lebih luas. Dampak positif terlihat pada peningkatan kapasitas produksi, fokus pada inovasi produk, dan pengelolaan usaha yang lebih profesional. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial anggota kelompok. Temuan ini memberikan gambaran bahwa transformasi teknologi memiliki potensi besar dalam mendukung keberlanjutan usaha kecil berbasis komunitas nelayan.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA LEMARI PENGERING DAN MEJA POLA PADA UMKM ZULPAH BATIK DI TANJUNG BUMI 2024-12-07T08:14:36+00:00 Nur Laily Ahmad Baihaqy Eko Nurmianto Vinza Hedi Satria Juwita Sari <p><em>Zulpah Batik SME in Tanjung Bumi faces significant challenges during the rainy season, as batik drying relies on sunlight, taking up to 5 hours in clear weather, 2 days in overcast conditions, and halting entirely during prolonged rainfall. Additionally, creating batik patterns using large fabrics is hindered by the absence of an adequate workspace, as the SME has only utilized standard writing desks. To address these issues, a batik drying cabinet powered by LPG and an ergonomic batik design table equipped with LED lighting were introduced. The drying cabinet reduces drying time to just 1 hour regardless of weather, with a controlled temperature of 70 ± 5°C, enabling continuous production. Meanwhile, the ergonomic design table, with adjustable height (76 cm standard) and dimensions of 122 cm x 200 cm, enhances pattern-making efficiency and precision. These appropriate technology solutions significantly improve production efficiency and quality, ensuring uninterrupted operations during the rainy season and facilitating better batik pattern creation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Drying Cabinet, Pattern Table, Appropriate Technology, Batik</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA DALAM PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS DAN KEBERLANJUTAN USAHA BAGI KELOMPOK UMK KERIPIK TUMBASO DI PROBOLINGGO 2024-12-07T08:40:36+00:00 Joni Hendra Linda Kurnia Supraptiningsih Lukman Hakim Nayla Avrylina Muhammad Al gholi <p><em>The problem that is often experienced by production partners is that the process of frying chips still uses conventional methods, namely using a frying pan in general, so that in terms of quality it is constrained by production capacity, and in terms of quality the production results contain too much oil which causes bananas to become soft easily, apart from that. The use of appropriate technology in the form of a frying machine (Vacuum Frying) and an oil draining machine (Spinner) is a solution as an effort to increase efficiency and productivity as well as sustainable business at Tuimbaso MSEs in Lambangkuning village, Lumbang district, Probolinggo. PkM activities aim to increase the efficiency and sustainability of the chips business. The strategy used is apart from designing and making frying machine technology, it also provides training and assistance in marketing management and financial management, so that it is hoped that partners will be able to improve human resources and have a positive impact related to improving business performance in a sustainable manner in and supporting the economy, especially local wisdom. </em><em>The results or influences felt by partners in this program include partners being able to innovate or develop their production results through product diversification, and being able to expand the market through marker places such as Shopee, Tokopedia and so on.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords; </em></strong><em>TTG; Produktivity; Innovation; Sustainabilty; Business</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SOSIALISASI KONSEP QUINTUPLE HELIX DALAM MEWUJUDKAN DESA KREATIF DI DESA KEDUNGDALEM KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2024-12-10T15:57:03+00:00 Siti Marwiyah Muhammad Mudhofar Bambang Winarto Mareta Syamsya Queen <p>Creative villages are currently in the spotlight of the local government as an effort to increase village resources that can develop superior innovations from the creative economy subsector. Creative villages have a close relationship with the quintuple helix concept, which in its implementation involves government, academics, economic actors, society and the environment to build creative village synergy. The aim of this service is to provide understanding and provide solutions as an effort to create a developing and creative village. As in Kedungdalem Village, Probolinggo Regency, creating a creative village requires the involvement of various parties and key actors for empowerment. The initial implementation of this service was outreach to the Kedungdalem village community. This community service is carried out using the method of socialization and education to the community by providing counseling. With the existence of a service program regarding the quintuple helix concept, it is hoped that it can create a creative village in Kedungdalem village, especially in implementing the implementation of government policies in creating village innovation. This requires the cooperation of various partners in creating a strong and innovative creative village.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Creative village, quintuple helix, socialization</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PRODUKSI MEDIA TANAM ORGANIK DAN BRIKET ARANG TERBARUKAN SEBAGAI HASIL KONVERSI LIMBAH BAGLOG JAMUR TIRAM 2024-12-11T14:20:58+00:00 Mustika Dewi Mamat Kandar Noor Rahmawati <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Much baglog waste is produced as a by-product of oyster mushroom cultivation activities carried out by some farmers in Cinanggung village which has not been processed and utilized optimally, thus having a negative impact on the environment.&nbsp; The community service team from the Microbial Biotechnology scientific group, School of Biological Sciences and Technology (KK BM, SITH) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held a community service program in the form of training for the people of Cinanggung Village, Tanjungsari sub-district, Sumedang district, on how to process baglog waste into planting media. organic and renewable charcoal briquettes, and using them as a medium for growing vegetables in the home garden as an effort to increase food security in household capacity.&nbsp; There were 24 participants in this training, involving members of oyster mushroom farming groups and housewives. The training program is preceded by an understanding of the management of cultivated waste, followed by processing the waste into useful products.&nbsp; This training is a manifestation of the concern of SITH ITB lecturers for the residents of the villages around Mount Geulis.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The processing of mushroom baglog waste into a plant growing medium and renewable energy in the form of charcoal briquettes is expected to improve the lives of the people of Cinanggung village through the use of plant growing media to support vegetable growing activities in polybags for the yard, at least to be used for family needs to support family food security.&nbsp; It is hoped that this program will make farmers more prosperous and make government programs related to community food security a success, starting from family food security.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Waste, baglog, oyster mushrooms, fertilizer, briquettes</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN MINAT BACA GENERASI SEKOLAH MELALUI PENDIRIAN PERPUSTAKAAN ALAM KANAL SUKO-SUKO DI DESA SUKOREJO 2024-12-17T16:36:34+00:00 Bayu Aprillianto Riska Marshelina Firzanah Yahya Qomaria Amilatul Kholidah Annufus Ilannajah Mardiajeng Pawestri Musi Novi Wulandari Indah Purnamawati <p><em>Sukorejo Village is one of the villages in Jember Regency, where the reading interest among school-aged children remains low. Reflecting the common challenges faced by the younger generation today, Sukorejo Village requires concrete efforts to foster a reading culture, enabling the youth to perceive books as gateways to the world, thereby enhancing their knowledge and insights. Sukorejo Village features a tourist attraction known as the "Suko-Suko Canal," a serene destination with stunning natural landscapes along the river, surrounded by local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This community engagement initiative aims to explore the development of a nature-based library at the Suko-Suko Canal as a means of promoting reading interest among the younger generation. The method employed involves conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to design the concept and management of the nature-based library, followed by its establishment and culminating in a formal launch event. The outcomes of the initiative reveal that the library was designed and established to harmonize with the surrounding environment, featuring a collection of books focusing on environmental literacy, local culture, and children's education. During the socialization phase, various literacy activities, such as group reading sessions and educational games, successfully increased student participation and reading interest. The establishment of this nature-based library not only promotes literacy but also supports environmental conservation, offering an innovative solution to improve the literacy culture in Indonesia. Through an educational-recreational approach, the Suko-Suko Canal nature-based library has the potential to serve as a model for literacy development integrated with tourism in other regions.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Educational Tourism, Environmental literacy, Nature library, Reading Interest, Suko-Suko Canal Tourism</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN ALAT CETAK UNTUK TEMPE DEBOG DALAM RANGKA STANDAR UKURAN DAN TEBAL TEMPE DI DESA TEGALREJO PROBOLINGGO 2024-12-17T14:04:57+00:00 R. Hery Koeshardjono Mutinda Teguh Widayanto Vebrian Dito Firmansyah Iis Yuliyana Putri Dinda Puspita Ayu Prasanti Farida Chusnia Nily Sholehatun Sholehatun <p><em>The size and thickness of tempe debog (banana tree fronds) is not standard because when the soft soybeans are spread over the banana tree fronds there is no size depending on the density when pressing the soybeans it can lengthen or widen so that the edges of the tempe are uneven between the sides and the thickness of the tempe is uneven. The purpose of this service is to make tempe molding tools to provide a standard size and thickness of the tempe produced. The method used follows the implementation stages for activities, namely conducting field surveys, following the process of making debog tempeh, analyzing what is needed in the production process. Based on the results of the analysis of observations while at the tempe production site, it is necessary to make a tempe mold when the soybeans are spread over the fronds of banana trees so that the size and thickness of the tempe meet the standards and the density of the tempe is even.</em> <em>The results of the students' activities were making a printing tool made of rectangular wood for tempeh molds with standard tempeh sizes and thicknesses.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : Tempe debog, Standard Size and Thickness, Tempe printing tool</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UPAYA PEMBERDAYAAN UMKM MELALUI SOSIALISASI PEMBUKUAN DAN PEMASARAN DESA SEBAUNG 2024-12-17T14:38:03+00:00 Dedi Joko Hermawan Lukman Hakim Muhammad Syarif Hidayatullah Elmas Kristiyono Kristiyono Alfiatus Syarofah Ajunaida Kurniawati Chintya Amelia Agata Muhammad Rival Diansyah Fatulil Zannah <p><em>The problem of bookkeeping and marketing is inseparable from the potential of MSMEs in Sebaung Village, Gending District, Probolinggo Regency, which is very large and diverse. Maintaining a business based on financial aspects is one of the problems of MSMEs in Sebaung Village. The implementation of this community service program aims to help MSMEs in Sebaung Village regarding their understanding of simple financial bookkeeping and marketing. The method of implementing this community service begins with conducting socialization of bookkeeping and marketing to MSME actors, village organizations, and residents. The implementation of this socialization was held at the Sebaung village hall. First, this activity began with an explanation of the material on Marketing and continued with material on simple bookkeeping. After that, a question and answer session was held. Then the committee provided assistance to participants regarding digital marketing training and bookkeeping. The socialization of Bookkeeping and Marketing went smoothly and was full of enthusiasm from MSME participants, as evidenced by their communication during questions and answers regarding the material that had been presented and also sharing about the MSME business being run. The result of this service is that MSME actors, village organizations, and residents gain new insights to know how to manage bookkeeping and marketing properly and correctly and reduce the possibilities that cause losses for MSME actors in running their businesses..</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Socialization, MSMEs, Sebaung</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENYULUHAN DAN PEMANTAUAN KESEHATAN IBU HAMIL, TUMBUH KEMBANG BALITA, DAN ANAK PRA SEKOLAH DALAM UPAYA PENURUNAN ANGKA STUNTING DI KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2024-12-17T16:13:02+00:00 Hermanto Hermanto Linda Kurnia Supraptiningsih Mohammad Saiful Bahri Nourma Ulva Kumala Devi Mohammad Iskak Elly Dita Refani Putri Putri Andayani Muhammad Al Gholi <p><em>Stunting is one of the main health problems in Probolinggo Regency which has an impact on children's growth and development. The high stunting rate in Probolinggo Regency is a serious problem that requires comprehensive intervention. This community service aims to reduce stunting rates through training in making healthy nutritional menus and implementing healthy kitchens. Training activities involving the community, especially PKK mothers, to increase knowledge and skills in preparing nutritious food menus that suit children's needs. The form of service activity in an effort to reduce stunting rates is through community empowerment through training in making healthy nutritional menus and implementing healthy kitchens. The training involves housewives as the main participants and focuses on increasing knowledge and skills in preparing a balanced menu and maintaining kitchen cleanliness. After this service activity, it is hoped that there will be an increase in community understanding about the importance of balanced nutrition and implementing a healthy kitchen, so that it will have an impact on reducing stunting rates in the areas targeted for training.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Community Empowerment, Nutrition Training, Healthy Kitchen, Stunting</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MELALUI EDUKASI PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DAN DIGITALISASI BANK SAMPAH DESA LAMBANGKUNING 2024-12-28T14:57:17+00:00 Linda Kurnia Supraptiningsih Hermanto Hermanto misdiyanto misdiyanto faridahtul jannah Nourma Ulva Kumala Devi <p>Abstrak</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##