Agrotechbiz : Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian <p>Agrotechbiz merupakan jurnal ilmiah pertanian khususnya di bidang Agroteknologi dan Agribisnis yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Pertanian. Agrotechbiz diterbitkan berkala setiap enam bulan, yaitu bulan Januari dan Juli. Agrotechbiz memuat artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian dan/atau kajian analitis-kritis yang berisikan pokok bahasan, baik yang terkait dengan aspek pengembangan, kerangka teoritis, implementasi, maupun kemungkinan pengembangan pertanian dalam cakupan Ilmu Tanaman secara keseluruhan. Sebagai media nasional, Agrotechbiz diharapkan mampu mengakomodir kebutuhan akan sebuah media untuk menyebarluaskan informasi dan perkembangan terbaru bagi para peneliti dan praktisi Ilmu Tanaman di Indonesia.</p> Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo en-US Agrotechbiz : Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian 2355-195X EFEKTIFITAS IDENTIFIKASI SEGMEN DAN TARGET PASAR DALAM STRATEGI PEMASARAN <p>Target market identification is the first step needed in planning and developing marketing strategies. In a situation where consumers face many choices, the success of product marketing will be largely determined by the suitability of the product to the needs of consumers in certain segments. To see an effective marketing strategy, is through the stability of the level of sales and if it can increase each month based on the quantity / quality of products that can be produced by the company. Strategic creativity is important to be connected with the level of innovation in order to bring about the determination of strategies that can optimize the creativity of the imagination of the strategy concept to the stage or conditions of implementing the strategy program. The first thing that can be done is to develop a strategy, namely segmentation (segmenting), target (targeting), and position (positioning). SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) can also support business people to assess the business strategies that need to be implemented. SWOT analysis, which is the systematic introduction of various factors to determine marketing strategies. This analysis is based on logic that can optimize strengths and potential (opportunities), but at the same time can reduce weaknesses and risks (threats).</p> <p>Keywords : Market Identification, Strategy, Marketing</p> Triyan Bayu Pratama ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 10 1 1 9 10.51747/agrotechbiz.v10i1.1828 Salicylic Acid effectiveness as Resistance Inducer of Rice Plant Against Sheath Blight Pathogen <p><em>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of salicylic acid in inhibiting the growth of Rhizoctonia solani in vitro and to determine the effect of salicylic acid in increasing rice plants' resistance to rice sheath blight disease. In the in vitro research stage, the antifungal activity of salicylic acid was assayed with 5 levels of concentration. The observed variable was the percentage of R. solani mycelium growth inhibition. The next stage of research was carried out in planta. The observed variables in the resistance assay were the pathosystem, growth, morphological, and physiological components. Based on the observed variables of pathosystem components, salicylic acid can reduce the intensity of rice sheath blight both in vitro and in planta. Based on observations of morphological and physiological components, the salicylic acid increased plant resistance by thickening the leaf epidermis and increasing the phenolic compounds.</em></p> Woro Sri Suharti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 10 1 10 22 10.51747/agrotechbiz.v10i1.1179 Efektifitas Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jamur Tiram (Pleorotus osteorotus) Sebagai Respon Dari Macam Dan Dosis Moodbooster Pada Baglog <p>Oyster mushroom is a type of wood fungus that originally grew naturally on tree trunks that had undergone weathering in forest areas. To increase the production of white oyster mushrooms, have to added nutrients from outside in the form of mood boosters as a supporting ingredient for growing media. This study used a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The first factor is various mood booster: rice washing water, coconut water, and sugar water. The second factor is mood booster dose: 0 ml</p> <p>/ baglog, 50 ml / baglog, 100 ml / baglog and 150 ml / baglog. Based on the results, it can be concluded as follows: (1) The treatment of various mood booster rice water has effective in providing the best results on the parameters of the number of hoods and fruit weight, (2) Mood booster dose treatment of 100ml/baglog gave the best effects on the parameters of mycelium fulfillment time, pinhead emergence time, fruit weight, and the number of white oyster mushroom hoods, (3) there was an interaction between the rice water mood booster and the 100 ml/baglog mood booster dose against all parameters.</p> <p><em>Keywords : Oyster mushrooms, various mood booster, mood booster dosage</em></p> Retno Sulistiyowati Hadi Rizaldi Aprilia Hartanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 10 1 31 38 10.51747/agrotechbiz.v10i1.1838 Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Jenis Selada (Lactuca sativa L) Terhadap Konsentrasi Larutan Nutrisi AB Mix Pada Hidroponik Sistem Wick <p>Crop cultivation using the hydroponic method is one of the urban farming trends in metropolitan areas and aims to fulfill food security. Lettuce is one of the horticultural crops which have high economic value. Quality and the yield of several lettuce varieties <em>(Lactuca sativa L) </em>could be raised through the appropriate concentration of AB mix nutrients. This research aimed to determine the concentration of AB mix nutrients on the growth and yield of lettuce. The research design used in this research was Randomized Block Design (R.B.D) with the first single factor consisting of 3 levels, red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce, and curly lettuce. The second single factor is the concentration of AB mix solution consisting of 4 (four) levels, such as non-nutrients, 4 ml/liter, 8 ml/liter, and 12 ml/liter. The results showed that lettuce varieties had an effect on the plant length, stem diameter, root length, wet crop residue, and dry crop residue. The concentration of AB mix solution also affected the plant length, number of leaves, root length, wet crop residue, and dry crop residue. The relationship between the combination of several types of lettuce and the concentration of AB mix solution provided differences in leaf width, wet crop residue, and dry crop residue.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Types of lettuce 1), AB mix nutrient 2), hydroponic 3)</em></p> Aprilia Hartanti Ummi Adibah Retrno Sulistiyowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-06-28 2023-06-28 10 1 23 30 10.51747/agrotechbiz.v10i1.1839