Analisis Data Angin Permukaan Di Bandar Udara Budiarto Dengan Menggunakan Metode Wind Rose Untuk Meningkatkan Keselamatan Terbang Taruna

An Analysis of the Surface Wind Data at Budiarto Airport by Using Wind Rose Method to Improve Cadets' Fly Safety

  • Muhammad Aulia Nafi' Alfaridzi Prodi Penerbang Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug Jl. Raya PLP Curug, Serdang Wetan, Kec. Legok, Kab. Tangerang, Banten
  • Ika Endrawijaya Prodi Penerbang Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug Jl. Raya PLP Curug, Serdang Wetan, Kec. Legok, Kab. Tangerang, Banten
  • Arsanto Noorwahyu W. Prodi Penerbang Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug Jl. Raya PLP Curug, Serdang Wetan, Kec. Legok, Kab. Tangerang, Banten


Wind conditions affect the stages of take-off, cruising, and landing in flight. To find out the wind conditions, it is necessary to analyze the surface winds, as well as at Budiarto Airport, which is the location of the flying training for several flight schools. One of them is the Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug (PPIC). For efficiency and optimalization of the flight training schedules and for the safety of flight cadets, this research is important to do. This study aims to determine the effect of surface winds at Budiarto Airport on flight training activities for PPIC cadets, to determine the ideal wind conditions for cadets' flight training activities with solo and mutual phases, and to obtain the results of monthly surface wind trends analysis. For this reason, the wind rose method is used. This analytical descriptive study was conducted with stages of observation, problem formulation, data collection, data tabulation, and data processing. Data were collected by calculating and making tables of relative frequency of wind direction and speed. Data processing is done by making a diagram of the direction and speed of the wind using the wind rose method with the help of the WRPLOT application. The result is that the surface wind at Budiarto Airport can be categorized as safe for PPIC cadet flight training. The wind speed with the highest percentage is wind with a speed below 10 knots (94.6%). The wind direction with the highest percentage is from 225° to 255° (13.15%). The recommended time for solo and mutual flight training for PPIC cadets is April to October.
