Energy : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik
<p>Jurnal Energy merupakan jurnal ilmiah ilmu-ilmu teknik yang diterbitkan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo. Jurnal ini terbit secara teratur, dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November. Jurnal Energy merupakan media informasi dan komunikasi dari berbagai hasil penelitian dan tulisan ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh para praktisi, peneliti dan akademisi yang berkecimpung dan menaruh minat serta perhatian pada perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.</p>Fakultas Tekniken-USEnergy : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik2088-4591Analisis Karakteristik spray Bahan Bakar Pertalite Pertamax Dan Pertamax Turbo Dengan Campuran Etanol
<p>In the automotive industry sector, technological advances have entered the stage of using alternative fuels, and the principle of fuel injection in gasoline engines (electronic fuel injection), to create efficient fuel use and more environmentally friendly combustion. The method used in this research is an experimental method, namely a method used to test the characteristics of gasoline fuel with ethanol against spray using an injector. In this research, we will compare the characteristics of Pertalite, Pertamax, Pertamax Turbo gasoline spray, a mixture of ethanol and gasoline in different mixture variations. This test aims to analyze spray tip penetration, spray angle, and velocity of spray. The results of collecting spray tip penetration data resulted in the highest data value for Pertamax Turbo fuel mixed with 7% ethanol and the lowest for Pertalite fuel mixed with 7% ethanol. The results of the spray angle data collection had the highest value in the Pertamax 10% ethanol mixture and the lowest in the 5% ethanol mixture with Pertamax Turbo fuel. From the results of the Velocity of spray data processing, the highest value was found in the 10% ethanol mixture with Pertalite fuel and the lowest was the 5% ethanol mixture with Pertamax Turbo fuel. For ethanol mixtures, more attention must be paid to the complete spray or misting of the injected fuel. Mix the fuel with ethanol according to applicable standards. Always pay attention to chamber equipment to avoid leaks when collecting data</p>M. Iqbal CholisM. Fathuddin NoorLukman Hakim
2024-11-302024-11-30142819210.51747/energy.v14i2.2075Uji Pengaruh Penambahan Siklon Terhadap Kualitas Asap Cair
<p><em>Bintaro fruit is a drupa (seeded) fruit with lignocellulosic fiber resembling a coconut. The presence of cellulose content makes bintaro fruit potentially in the manufacture of bioethanol through a hydrolysis process that breaks down cellulose into glucose which is the raw material for bioethanol fermentation. Pyrolysis is a process of heating a substance in the absence of oxygen resulting in the decomposition of hardwood constituent components and producing substances in three forms, namely solid, liquid and gas. Pyrolysis has been used since ancient times to turn wood into charcoal on an industrial scale. This research is using experimental method. The experimental method is used to determine the effect of using a cyclone on the pyrolysis process. The final result is liquid smoke whose characteristics will be compared before and after the installation of the cyclone. The effect of pyrolysis temperature on liquid smoke can affect the resulting liquid smoke yield. Temperature and time can have an important effect on increasing the liquid smoke yield to conditions where gas production that is difficult to condense will lower the liquid obtained, so that further increases in temperature and time will reduce the liquid smoke yield. In the addition of cyclones to pyrolysis which aims to produce a clear liquid quality. In testing the addition of a cyclone to pyrolysis, it can produce clear liquid coming out of the condenser compared to a cyclone which produces a dark black color. It should be noted and tested first to find out the occurrence of leaks in the reactor tube and also pay attention to the raw material for Bintaro fruit so that it dries first before carrying out further research. It is necessary to check before conducting research on the temperature sensor cable so that it is safe not to be exposed to hot coals in order to get efficient results..</em></p>Olana AldhiansyahMuhammad Fathuddin NoorIndah Noor Dwi Kusuma Dewi
2024-11-302024-11-301429310310.51747/energy.v14i2.2088Studi Eksperimental Diameter Lubang Nozzle Dan Laju Aliran Volumetrik Udara TerhadapTemperatur Nyala Api Kompor Berbahan Bakar Oli Bekas
<p>The utilization of used oil into fuel has begun to be used today even though only some people. Knowing how the interaction of nozzle hole diameter on fire temperature in portable stoves. In this study used experimental research, by testing the value of the independent variable with (nozzle hole diameter (2, 3, 4) and variation of air volumetric flow rate, the response obtained (dependent variable) knowing the causal relationship of the study. This research processing method uses factorial ANOVA. see the interaction between independent variables on the dependent variable in addition to seeing the effect of independent variables on the dependent variation. The flame that produces the highest temperature 900C in the 3mm hole diameter variation by having an air flow rate of 0.004 mᶟ/s. The flame with T1 varies the diameter of the 4mm hole with the speed of the air flow rate at 0.006 mᶟ/s. Then the T2 flame has decreased graphically from the previous diameter at 3 mm hole diameter with air volumetric flow velocity at 0.006 mᶟ/s. The larger the hole, the smaller the air pressure, otherwise if the smaller the diameter of the nozzle hole, the greater the pressure spread into the combustion chamber is better.</p>Mohammad Rohman HamimSatworo Adiwidodo
2024-11-302024-11-3014210411210.51747/energy.v14i2.2113Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Suhu Dan Kelembapan Kandang Hamster Berbasis IoT (Internet Of Things)
<p><em>Hamsters are generally healthy creatures and can live about two years or more. They need a comfortable cage with a temperature of 17oC to 23oC and for humidity is 40 RH% to 70 RH% which sometimes these things are neglected by hamster owners. If the temperature and humidity are not appropriate it can cause disease in hamsters even to the death of hamsters. So a tool is needed to stabilize temperature and humidity. In this system using the method (Hybrid Proportional Integral Derivative - Artifical Neural Network (PID-ANN) where the method is a combination of PID and ANN methods as a determinant of PID parameters, namely Proportional Constants, Integral Constants and Derivative Constants automatically with the help of ANN tuning. as temperature and humidity stabilizers. The inputs in this method are temperature and humidity obtained from the DHT22 sensor. While the output in this study is in the form of analog values for dimmer control controlling lux on incandescent lamps and humidifiers. This system is also based on the internet of things so that it can be monitored and controlled in real time. So that it can be used anywhere and anytime</em></p>Eko Kholid AffandiDiana RahmawatiMiftachul UlumKoko JoniDian Neipa PurnamasariMuttaqin Hardiwansyah
2024-11-302024-11-3014211311910.51747/energy.v14i2.2242Prototype Palang Pintu Perlintasan Kereta Api Otomatis Menggunakan Komunikasi LoRa RFM95
<p><em>Railway crossing doors are railway facilities or infrastructure to protect train travel and provide warnings to road users. This prototype automatic railway crossing door bar uses Arduino Nano, LoRA RFM 95, 5 kg Load Cell, MG996R Servo Motor, LED, and Buzzer. In component testing, there are Load Cell, LoRa RFM 95, and MG996R Servo Motor tests. In LoRa RFM 95 testing succeeded up to a distance of 350 meters, more than that distance failed to transmit signals, tests such as RSSI, SNR and Delay were also carried out on lora testing in obtained slave results 1 data produced -34 to - 104 (dBm) at a distance of 0 - 350 meters and slave 2 data produced (-32 to - 107) (dBm) at a distance of (0 - 350) meters but at a distance of 400 - 450 but each slave could not send, SNR on slave 1 has 8 data including (9.50 – 4.50) dB and slave 2 (9.50 – 3.00) dB which are relatively down and the delay from delivery depends on the distance and delivery obstacles. MG996R Servo Motor test showed error (0.07%). Load cell testing showed errors in Slave 1 (0.27%), Slave 2 (0.07%), and </em><em>Master (0.20%).</em><em> As well as on testing the overall system shows success as well as in opening or closing the door bars can work appropriately.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Keywords:</em><em> Railway Crossing Gate, Train, Infrastructure, Facilities</em></p>Febrianto Eko SucahyoWahyu DirgantaraResi Dewi Jayanti Kartika Sari
2024-11-302024-11-3014212013610.51747/energy.v14i2.2210Perbaikan Kualitas Pengasahan Pisau 5 Feet di Subsi Grinder Dengan Seven Quality Control Tools (Studi Kasus di PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia)
<p>In the face of the globalization era that is increasingly competitive, a company is required to be able to <br>devise competitive in order to survive and win the competition. Because it needed a solution to improve the quality <br>of the product so that it can assist in winning the competition with its competitors. PT. Indonesia Timber Kutai <br>(ITC) as a company engaged in lumber and plywood production was should be able to survive in an increasingly <br>tight competition.<br>Plywood is formed by layers of sheets – sheets of wood called veneer. The quality of the veneers will effect <br>the quality of plywood produced by PT Indonesia Timber Kutai. To get a good veneer quality then needed a good <br>combination between the blade with the machine. Researchers do research on the condition of the blade. A place <br>for pengashan blade is subsi Grinde<br>The cause of the majority of the knife is a blunt knife quickly, so the quality of the produced veneer would <br>be ugly. Researchers try to find problems – problems encountered and immediately make the effort improved <br>sharpening results with seven quality control. For the results of his research is before there is an improvement <br>obtained 22 case knife quickly dulled from 72 blade, after no improvement, found only 1 case of only fast knife <br>dulled from 72 blades.</p>Moch. SlametHaryono Haryono