Energy : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik <p>Jurnal Energy&nbsp; merupakan jurnal ilmiah ilmu-ilmu teknik yang diterbitkan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo. Jurnal ini terbit secara teratur, dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November. Jurnal Energy merupakan media informasi dan komunikasi dari berbagai hasil penelitian dan tulisan ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh para praktisi, peneliti dan akademisi yang berkecimpung dan menaruh minat serta perhatian pada perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.</p> Fakultas Teknik en-US Energy : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik 2088-4591 Robot Tangan Terapi Stroke Menggunakan Metode Master-slave <p class="3JudulAbstract" style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-IN" style="font-weight: normal;">Stroke is a disease that can be suffered by anyone and its handling is not easy. Stroke sufferers need to undergo a therapeutic process so that the function of the limbs can be moved again, such as the feet, hands, and fingers. Based on this, a stroke therapy robot hand was built as a tool to carry out therapy for stroke sufferers. The stroke therapy robot hand consists of two parts, the gloves for the therapist and the hand frame for the sufferers. This tool uses Arduino Nano as a microcontroller base. This tool works by reading the value from the potentiometer in the therapist's hand, then the information is transmitted to the stroke therapy robot's hand via a wireless communication line using the nRF24L01 module which is then run using the Master-slave method. This data will drive five servo motors that are used to move the patient's fingers. From the test results show that the tool can work by calculating the movement of the finger that has moved successfully 98 out of 100 trials. This means that the success percentage of this tool is 98% with an error of 2%.</span></p> Dionisius Aurelius Lami Ir. Subairi Elta Sonalitha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 13 2 77 83 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1514 Desain dan Simulasi Model Predictive Control pada Sistem Pembagian Daya untuk Kendaraan Listrik Hibrida Fuel Cell – Baterai <p><em>This research examines the performance of implementing Model Predictive Control (MPC) in the energy management system of fuel cell – battery hybrid electric vehicles. Three parameter variations were carried out on the MPC controller, namely variations in the horizon value, objective function, and weighting in the objective function. In testing variations in the horizon value of the designed MPC controller, it shows that the higher the horizon value used, the SOC and the final SOC are faster and closer to the optimal SOC determined by compensating for higher hydrogen consumption. Testing of objective function variations shows that the objective function implemented on the MPC controller influences the system response characteristics. It was found in objective function testing that optimal use of fuel cell power produces fuel cell power output with a working efficiency range of 57% - 60% when compared to other objective functions that work in the efficiency range of 49.2% - 57%. Finally, in testing variations in weighting values, it was found that the higher the weighting of an expression in the objective function, the more the optimizer will penalize the expression so that the solver will minimize the expression in the optimization process. Therefore, the MPC controller parameter values ​​need to be paid attention to so that the response characteristics are in accordance with the design. which are desired. It should be noted that this research does not use a speed prediction model so it is assumed that the speed is known without any uncertainty.</em></p> Arini Latifah Kusnnuri Aditya Satrio Sarwo Mumpuni Muhammad Aqifur Rohman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 13 2 85 98 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1736 Studi Pengaruh Beban Pengemudi Terhadap Konsumsi Daya Sepeda Listrik Kapasitas 500 Watt <p>Electric-based transportation modes are increasingly increasing in use due to the development of electric motor technology, control devices, and batteries. The problem that arises is that the power consumption of different driver loads is unknown. This research is a study of power consumption proven on an electric bicycle type GODA 140. Electric bicycles are tested with the same mileage and some differences in changes in rider load, road construction and speed difference. The results obtained in mode 1 with the rider load doubled (59 kg-118 kg) showed that the maximum speed decreased by 10% while the power consumption increased from 274.9 watts to 520.2 watts. The battery voltage decreased when the 59 kg load decreased by 1 V, when the 118 kg load decreased by 2.58 V. In mode 2 with the rider load doubled (59 kg-118 kg), the maximum speed decreased by 10%, while the power consumption increased from 373.2 watts to 564.7 watts. The battery voltage decreased when the load of 59 kg decreased by 1 V, when the load of 118 kg decreased by 3.06 V. In mode 3 with the rider load doubled (59 kg-118 kg), the maximum speed decreased by 11.1%, while the power consumption increased from 394.6 watts to 628.2 watts. The battery voltage decreased when the 59 kg load decreased by 1 V while the 118 kg load decreased by 3.1 V.</p> <p>Keywords: Electric bike, Battery, BLDC motor, Watt meter</p> Fahmi Ali Yasin Diah Arie Widhining K Royb Fatkhur Rizal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 13 2 99 108 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1718 Analisis Penentuan Lokasi SPKLU Dalam Mendukung Kebijakan Kendaraan Listrik Bertenaga Baterai Di Wilayah Jawa Timur <p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p> <p><em><sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </sup>The current increase in greenhouse gas emissions is a serious concern of various parties both from the community and the government. and one of the biggest contributors is from the transportation side, especially conventional land transportation made from fossil fuels. To deal with this situation, one solution is to switch to using electric vehicles. The Indonesian government itself is fully committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, one of which is by issuing Perpres No. 55 of 2019 concerning the development of battery-based electric vehicles. However, this effort is still not enough to attract consumers. This is very reasonable because of the lack of supporting facilities for the electric vehicle itself. one of them is the electric vehicle battery charging station (SPKLU). So that the need to increase the number of electric vehicle charging stations in order to attract consumer interest, with the increasing number of SPKLU will certainly increase the sense of security and comfort for electric vehicle users. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the ideal location of public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU), especially in the East Java region and the application is carried out in the city of Probolinggo. The analysis method used in this research is factor analysis to determine the factors that influence consumers in choosing an electric vehicle charging station, then mapping the optimal alternative travel path in the East Java region using the Dynamic Programming method with the Backward Reqursive Equation procedure, then weighting each criterion using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method, and then determining the priority of the ideal SPKLU location using the Composite Performance Index method. The results of the calculation of this study obtained the ideal SPKLU location with the application in the Probolinggo city area, namely at Sukabumi Gas Station as the first priority in placing the location of the public electric vehicle charging station.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Electric Vehicle, SPKLU, Factor Analysis, AHP, CPI</em></p> Arif Rochman Hakim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 13 2 109 116 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1633 Studi Analisa Kelayakan Jaringan Listrik Pada Pompa Air Di Pamsimas Desa Tambibendo <p><em>This text discusses the importance of the electricity network in daily life, highlighting its uses in various activities such as lighting, cooking, and irrigation. It emphasizes the need to follow the standards of PUIL in installing the electricity network, particularly when operating water pumping equipment. The feasibility of the electrical network is crucial, with voltage drop being a major concern. Factors that can affect voltage drop include length, cross-sectional area, material type, load, and current. The research conducted utilizes quantitative research methods to collect and analyze data on the feasibility of the electrical network. The data, collected multiple times under different conditions, is analyzed to determine the percentage of voltage drop, with PUIL guidelines stating it should not exceed 5%. The study also compares measurements and calculations, revealing an average voltage drop percentage of 7.1% and an average voltage value of 15.7V, calculated from an initial voltage of 220V. The study concludes that the results are not feasible due to the high voltage drop percentage and a slight difference between measurements and calculations.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Feasibility, Network, Voltage, drop, Electricity.</em></p> Fredyanto Koirul Huda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 13 2 117 123 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1713 Prototype Sistem Engine Cut Off Untuk Safety Mengemudi Sepeda Motor Berbasis IoT <p><em>The safety system for driving a motorbike is a very important aspect to protect riders and other road users. In this research, we developed a safety system when the slope of a motorbike exceeds the maximum limit to improve driving safety.The purpose of this study is to implement an ECO system that is able to disconnect motorcycle engine power automatically in emergency situations as a safety function, and besides that it can also send warning notifications via telegram messages for help to riders as a monitoring function.Through testing and evaluation, the test results of the tool show stability because from 0 ° to -70 ° tilt to the left and 0 ° to 70 ° tilt to the right, with an average error of consecutive readings ranging from 0.189 ° to -0.911 °. The largest percentage of reading error is also found in the measurement of 30° and 10° right tilt, which is -3%. Small variations between sequential readings are still within tolerance limits.The tilt detection speed of the motor is carried out quickly and consistently within 0.1 seconds. The speed of time when sending notifications to telegram bots ranges from 7.23 seconds to 21.74 seconds the speed of sending depends on the hotspot internet signal, with the test results the prototype of the ECO system has proven effective in improving the safety of motorists and road users.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>driving safety, motorcycle, Engine Cut Off (ECO), Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, microcontroller.</em></p> Ahmad Danang Hadi Purnomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 13 2 124 130 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1717 Rangkaian Penyearah Gelombang Penuh Dengan Modifikasi IC Untuk Mengurangi Output Ripple Gelombang DC <p><em>This </em>paper<em> presents a novel full-wave rectifier to reduce an output ripple of DC wave. Several filter variations have been applied, but the filter output produces a ripple wave output. Therefore, variations of IC 7812, 7815, 7818 and 7824 are proposed to reduce the ripple wave output. The full wave rectifier circuit is designed to regulate the diode output voltage, output current, VRMS and DC motor rotation. The results of applying the IC show that the output ripple can be reduced based on the voltage variation settings on each IC. The greater the variation in IC output voltage, the greater the output voltage, current, VRMS and motor rotation. Meanwhile, the ripple output shows variations in values of 0.252, 0.023, 0.025 and 0.023. The input voltage does not affect the full wave rectifier circuit even though the diode output voltage, current, rpm, VRMS and output ripple vary.</em></p> Mohammad Fadhil Aulia Adi Mulyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 13 2 131 140 10.51747/energy.v13i2.1779