Kode Etik Profesi Advokat Dalam Menjaga Eksistensi Advokat Sebagai Profesi Terhormat (officium Nobile)

  • Harmoko Harmoko Dosen Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo


This study aims to determine the role of the Code of Ethics for the Legal Profession for Advocates in law enforcement and efforts to enforce the code of ethics for advocates against violations of the code of ethics. The method used in this research is normative juridical research. The code of ethics of the legal profession plays a very important role for advocates in law enforcement. Ethics is essentially a way of life and guidelines for how people should behave. The code of ethics must be enforced for professions (advocates) who violate the code of ethics. to provide shock therapy for advocates who violate the code of ethics. For the sake of maintaining the dignity of advocates as a noble or honorable profession (officium nobile) and upholding justice. This sanction will be a terrible figure for the advocate profession because it has a negative impact on his career. This sanction also provides a deterrent effect for perpetrators of violations and provides a deterrent effect for other advocates who have the potential not to commit violations. So that by enforcing a code of ethics for the legal profession, it will create a harmonious atmosphere between someone who is a law profession as an advocate with clients, the community, colleagues, etc. With a harmonious atmosphere, there will be no misunderstandings and conflicts. So that advocates still maintain their existence as a noble or honorable profession (officium nobile) in carrying out their profession.

Keywords : Code of Ethics, Lawyer, Officium Nobile


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How to Cite
Harmoko, H. (2022). Kode Etik Profesi Advokat Dalam Menjaga Eksistensi Advokat Sebagai Profesi Terhormat (officium Nobile). IUS : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Hukum, 10(2), 184-193. https://doi.org/10.51747/ius.v10i2.1155