Konsekwensi Yuridis Terhadap Penerbitan Ijin Usaha Pertambangan (Iup) Dalam Hal Terjadi Pelanggaran Operasional Dan Sanksi Hukumnya
Forms of violations of the implementation of Mining Business Permits which can result in the revocation of Mining Business Permits in mining companies and to find out and review the mechanism for revoking Mining Business Permits. Using normative juridical research methods, the conclusions obtained are: Forms of violations of the implementation of Mining Business Permits that can result in the revocation of Mining Business Permits, based on Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Minerals and Coal, include mining activities without permits, mining activities that can cause environmental pollution and/or damage. Violations in the implementation of Mining Business Permits also include administrative violations for which administrative sanctions will be given to violators as stated in Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Minerals and Coal Article 151 paragraph (2), the forms of violations are Environmental Violations, Violations of Rights Society and Work Safety Violations. The mechanism for revoking mining business permits is carried out by the minister because the minister has the authority to revoke mining business permits in accordance with statutory regulations. The mechanism for revoking a mining business permit goes through stages from identification of violations, notification and response, then reviewing the case, making a decision, and issuing a letter of revocation. Administrative sanctions are given if the permit holder commits an administrative violation. Keywords: revocation of business license, company addedDownloads
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How to Cite
Saputri, D., Yahya, K., Dzikriyah, A., Ariska, P., Pratiwi, W., Purbadiri, A., & Azizah, S. (2024). Konsekwensi Yuridis Terhadap Penerbitan Ijin Usaha Pertambangan (Iup) Dalam Hal Terjadi Pelanggaran Operasional Dan Sanksi Hukumnya. IUS : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Hukum, 12(2), 192-207. https://doi.org/10.51747/ius.v12i2.2233