: Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Hukum2024-12-16T13:02:04+00:00Budi Hariyanto, S.H., Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Ilmiah "IUS" mengkaji isu hukum secara mendalam dari berbagei segi guna menunjang pembangunan nasional. Jurnal Ilmiah "IUS" diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Maret dan September oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo.</p> Tanah Hak Milik Dengan Berlakunya Peraturan Mentri Agraria Dan Tata Ruang Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 2 Tahun 20172024-12-16T13:02:01+00:00Budi<p>Waqf is an institution that is very beneficial for the development of Islamic community assets. Waqf is carried out for the purposes of worship and economic development of the community, especially Muslims. In this waqf, the property that can be waqfed is property that is legally owned and controlled by its owner. Property that can be waqfed consists of immovable and movable objects. This study aims to analyze the implementation of waqf of freehold land with the enactment of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency Number 2 of 2017. This regulation aims to provide legal certainty, increase transparency, and simplify administration in the process of waqf of freehold land. This study uses a normative legal method with a statutory regulatory approach and case studies in several regions in Indonesia. The writing of this law uses a normative legal research method. This study shows that this regulation has succeeded in providing legal certainty for waqf land, with clearer and more standardized procedures. Registration of waqf land becomes easier and more structured, thus reducing the potential for disputes and misuse. In addition, this regulation also increases transparency and accountability in the management of waqf land, allowing for more optimal utilization for social, religious, educational, and economic interests.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Land waqf, legal certainty, Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs, transparency, waqf administration.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Hukum Tidak Terjualnya Seluruh Efek Oleh Penjamin Emisi Berdasarkan Perjanjian Full Commitment2024-12-16T13:02:01+00:00Wawan Setyo<div> <div>Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets Article 39 regulates the obligations of Underwriters to comply with the securities underwriting contract stated in the Registration Statement. Underwriters can operate in the form of full commitment, where they are obliged to buy the remaining unsold securities, or best effort, where they try their best to sell the securities without having to buy the remaining securities. This research uses normative legal research methods, collects data through literature study, and analyzes it qualitatively based on statutory regulations, court decisions, and the views of capital market legal experts. The research results show several important implications due to the underwriter not selling all securities based on the full commitment agreement. First, the underwriter is obliged to purchase the remaining unsold securities, and failure to fulfill this obligation can result in serious legal consequences, including claims for compensation from the issuer and sanctions from the capital market authorities. Second, not selling all securities can damage the reputation of the underwriter and issuer, reduce investor confidence, and affect the liquidity and stability of the capital market. In conclusion, a full commitment agreement in securities underwriting carries great responsibility and the potential for serious legal consequences if not fulfilled, requiring careful risk evaluation, effective mitigation strategies, and compliance with capital market regulations.</div> <div><strong>Keywords</strong> : Underwriter, full commitment, legal consequences.</div> </div>2024-12-16T12:54:12+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sengketa Dalam Jual Beli Berbasis E-Commerce2024-12-16T13:02:02+00:00Nur Kholisnurravika018@gmail.comRommy<p>Purchasing transactions using e-commerce has become a necessity in the modern era. There are many benefits to e-commerce transactions because they can make things easier for both sellers and buyers. Apart from that, e-commerce transactions can potentially lead to disputes from both consumers and sellers or electronic service owners, for this reason, it is necessary to discuss dispute resolution for the parties to provide a sense of safety for parties in e-commerce-based buying and selling transactions. This research aims to discuss dispute resolution in e-commerce-based sales and purchase agreements. It is descriptive qualitative research with a literature review methodology. The research results show that resolving buying and selling disputes through e-commerce can be done through litigation and non-litigation. Dispute resolution through non-litigation channels is an alternative to resolving disputes outside of court. Alternative Dispute Resolution is an institution for resolving conflicts or differences of opinion through procedures agreed upon by the parties, namely settlement outside of court using consultation, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, or expert assessment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: E-Commerce, Settlement, Dispute, Buying and Selling</p>2024-12-16T12:55:18+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sengketa Merek Melalui Arbitrase Dan Non Litigasi Menurut Uu No 20 Tahun 2016 Tentang Merek Dan Dasar Kekuatan Eksekusi Atas Hasil Putusan Arbitrase Dan Perundingan Lembaga Non Litigasi Dalam Sengketa Merek2024-12-16T13:02:02+00:00Agung Abdul Rahman<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola kerja penyelesaian sengketa merek melalui Arbitrase dan Non Litigasi Menurut UU No 20 thn 2016 tentang Merek dan dasar kekuatan eksekusi atas hasil putusan arbitrase dan perundingan lembaga Non litigasi dalam sengketa merek, Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif (normative legal research) dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan konseptual, penulis melakukan pengkajian terhadap undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan tujuan penelitian, Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dalam hal ini UU No 20 thn 2016 tentang Merek dan Undang-Undang nomor 30 tahun 1999. Masing-masing penyelesaian sengketa Non Litigasi maupun Litigasi memiliki ciri khas atau karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Setiap metode juga memiliki kekurangan serta kelebihan. Dalam sistem hukum Indonesia, kekuatan hukum putusan arbitrase lebih jelas dan kuat dibandingkan kekuatan hukum kesepakatan mediasi. Pasal 60 UU No. 30 Tahun 1999 menegaskan ”putusan arbitrase bersifat final dan mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap dan mengikat para pihak”. Putusan arbitrase memiliki kekuatan hukum yang sama dengan putusan pengadilan, yaitu memiliki kekuatan eksekutoria, Jadi, Dengan memiliki kekuatan eksekutorial berarti salah satu pihak dapat meminta bantuan aparat pengadilan untuk menggunakan upaya paksa dalam melaksanakan, dibandingkan dengan pengadilan konvensional, maka arbitrase mempunyai keuntungan-keuntungan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Penyelesaian Sengketa Merek, Litigasi dan Non Litigasi</p>2024-12-16T12:56:17+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Hukum Tentang Kerja Sama Sektor Pertanian (Bawang Merah) Dalam Hukum Kebiasaan Di Desa Banyuanyar Tengah, Kecamatan Banyuanyar, Kabupaten Probolinggo2024-12-16T13:02:02+00:00Erwien Ryan<p>Profit-sharing agreements in the agricultural sector, especially shallots, are one of the profit-sharing agreements that are often used in the lives of the people of Central Banyuanyar Village, Banyuanyar District, Probolinggo Regency. In its implementation, the community there uses an unwritten profit-sharing agreement so that it causes legal weakness in terms of evidence when a default or problem occurs in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the legal aspects used in this profit-sharing agreement and to find out the solution in the event of a default committed by the parties. In this study, the author uses an empirical juridical method, namely direct involvement in the community to obtain data that will then be relevant to the law on agreements. The data obtained will then be written in a qualitative descriptive manner, which will be written extensively, concisely, completely, and clearly. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the people of Central Banyuanyar Village do not always take care of the shallots they plant, sometimes they make profit-sharing agreements with others with the sharing of profits that have been agreed upon based on applicable customs. From the agreement that has been made, even though the agreement is not written, it is legally valid because according to article 1338 of the Civil Code, the agreement that is legally made is valid as a law for those who make it. If there is a default committed by the parties, the way to solve the problem can be through non-litigation methods (mediation, negotiation, conciliation) and litigation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Unwritten profit sharing agreement.</p>2024-12-16T12:57:16+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Yuridis Terhadap Penerbitan Ijin Usaha Pertambangan (Iup) Dalam Hal Terjadi Pelanggaran Operasional Dan Sanksi Hukumnya2024-12-16T13:02:03+00:00Disti Anggun Saputridistianggunsaputri@gmail.comKennyg Sujian Yahyakenygsujianyahya@gmail.comAfdalul Dzikriyahafdalulzikriyah@gmail.comPutri Ifa Ariskaputriifaariska@gmail.comWahyu Mukti Pratiwiwahyumuktipratiwi@gmail.comAnies Marsudiati Purbadirianiesmp@gmail.comSiti Umiyatun<div> <div>Forms of violations of the implementation of Mining Business Permits which can result in the revocation of Mining Business Permits in mining companies and to find out and review the mechanism for revoking Mining Business Permits. Using normative juridical research methods, the conclusions obtained are: Forms of violations of the implementation of Mining Business Permits that can result in the revocation of Mining Business Permits, based on Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Minerals and Coal, include mining activities without permits, mining activities that can cause environmental pollution and/or damage. Violations in the implementation of Mining Business Permits also include administrative violations for which administrative sanctions will be given to violators as stated in Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Minerals and Coal Article 151 paragraph (2), the forms of violations are Environmental Violations, Violations of Rights Society and Work Safety Violations. The mechanism for revoking mining business permits is carried out by the minister because the minister has the authority to revoke mining business permits in accordance with statutory regulations. The mechanism for revoking a mining business permit goes through stages from identification of violations, notification and response, then reviewing the case, making a decision, and issuing a letter of revocation. Administrative sanctions are given if the permit holder commits an administrative violation.</div> <div><strong>Keywords</strong>: revocation of business license, company added</div> </div>2024-12-16T12:58:13+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## jawab hukum apoteker atas kelalaian dalam memberikan pelayanan dan pengelolaan obat yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang Berdasarkan pasal 359 kuhp2024-12-16T13:02:03+00:00Utari Dewi Anggraeniutaridwanggraeni@gmail.comEmmy<p>Pharmacist have a big responsibility for pharmaceutical activities carried out in pharmacies. If the pharmacist is negligent in dispencing the medicine or the medicine given is not as expected, then an error in administering the medicine can occur. The formulation of the problem in this research is (1) what is the form of legal protection for patients for the pharmacist’s negligence in providing medication that is not in accordance with the doctor’s prescription if this result in the loss of the medication, (2) What are the criminal sanctions against pharmacists who are negligent in providing medication that is not in accordance with the doctor prescription if this results in the loss of the medication someone’s life. The research method used is normative legal research and a normative juridical approach, namely by using data obtained through library materials in the form of statutory regulations and other regulations. The conclusion of this research is that there are two form of legal protection for patients, namely preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection. Criminal sanctions for pharmacists who are negligent in dispensing medicine that is not in accordance with a doctor’s prescription if it results in the loss of a person’s life are stated in Article 359 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a maximum prison sentence of five years or a maximum prison sentence one year and is also stated in article 84 of the law number 36 of 2014 concerning Health Workers with the threat of a maximum prison sentence of five years.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Responsibility, Pharmacist, Negligence, Patient’s Life.</p>2024-12-16T12:59:05+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Yang Hidup Dalam Masyarakat Dalam Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Nasional2024-12-16T13:02:04+00:00Totok<p>Mempersoalkan eksistensi hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana setidaknya dapat dilakukan baik dalam perspektif yuridis maupun teoretis. Tulisan ini mencoba membahas dan memaparkan dua perspektif penting tentang hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana. Pertama, bagaimana posisi hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana dilihat dari perspektif teori hukum. Kedua, sejauhmana hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat memperoleh justifikasi untuk dikontribusikan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana. Kedua permasalahan tersebut ditelaah secara doktrinal dan menghasilkan temuan seperti berikut: Pertama, kontribusi hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana memperoleh penguatan secara teoretis. Kedua, kontribusi hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana juga memperoleh justifikasi tidak saja oleh instrumen hukum nasional, tetapi juga oleh instrumen hukum internasional.</p>2024-12-16T13:00:01+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##