JUMAD : Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad <p><img src="/public/site/images/jumad/0.FIX-cover_jumad_1_.jpg"></p> Universitas Panca Marga en-US JUMAD : Journal Management, Accounting, & Digital Business 2986-8726 Analisis Penyaluran Dana Desa Berdasar Permenkeu 201 Tahun 2022 Terhadap Implementasi Penyaluran Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2255 <p><em>This study aims to identify the factors influencing the delay in the distribution of Village Fund in Probolinggo Regency and propose solutions for accelerating the process. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through interviews and in-depth analysis. The findings indicate three main factors contributing to the delay: the quality of human resources at the village level affecting the operation of the Village Financial Management System (Siskeudes), the lack of operators at the subdistrict level, and the limited number of technical staff at the Community and Village Empowerment Office (PMD). To address these issues, capacity building for village officials through technical training, strengthened supervision by subdistricts, and expedited budget regulation formulation by the PMD Office are needed. This research is expected to provide insights for policymakers to accelerate the distribution of Village Fund, supporting village economic development and community welfare.</em></p> Yogha Erlangga R Abdul Haris Tatik Amani Karnadi Karnadi Yunaz Farada Yoga ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 2 6 891 900 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2255 Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga, Promosi Dan Distribusi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Cicil Emas Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KCP Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2097 <p><em>This research was conducted at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Probolinggo with the aim determining the influence of Product Quality, Price, Promotion and Distribution on Purchasing Decisions for Cicil Emas products. The type of research used is quantitative research. The population in the object of this reseacrh is Gold installment customers at Bank syariah Indonesia Jl.Soekarno Hatta Ruko Grand Soetta 12C Probolinggo city. The number of samples in this study was 57 respondent from calculations using the slovindormula. Data was collected through questionnaires. In proving or analyzing this, we use validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multipel regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>) and hypothesis testing. The research results show the Product Quality (X1), Price (X2), Promotion (X3) and Distribution (X4) have a partial and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions (Y)</em></p> Intan Nuraini Mohammad Iskak Elly Agustina Pujiastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 2 6 761 770 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2097 Pengaruh Self Efficacy, Motivasi dan Komitmen Organisasional Pada Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Pertanian dan Perikanan Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2100 <p>This research was conducted at the Probolinggo City Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Service. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of self-efficacy, motivation and organizational commitment on employee performance at the Probolinggo City Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Service. The type of research used is quantitative research. The sample in this research used a purposive sampling technique. Sugiyono (2018) Purposive sampling is a technique for determining samples with certain considerations. In this study, 76 people were selected as a sample consisting of ASN and non-ASN. Data was collected through questionnaires. In proving or analyzing this, we use validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R2) and hypothesis testing. The research results show that the influence of Self Efficacy (X1), Motivation (X2) and Organizational Commitment (X3) has a partially significant effect on Employee Performance (Y).</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><strong><em>Self Efficacy, Motivation, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Lisa Rahmawati Ngatimun Ngatimun Elok Dwi Vidiyastutik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 771 780 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2100 Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Nilai Pelanggan dan Harga Jasa Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen PT.Pos Indonesia (PERSERO) Pada Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2099 <p><em>This research was conducted at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City with the aim of testing the significant partial, simultaneous and dominant influence of Service Quality (X1) Customer Value (X2) Service Price (X3) and Customer Satisfaction (Y) and to test which The dominant influence is the variable Service Quality (X1), Customer Value (X2), Service Price (X3) on Consumer Satisfaction (Y) PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City.</em></p> <p><em>The type of research in this research is quantitative research with a causal approach. The variables used include the influence of service quality (X1), service price (X2), customer value (X3) and consumer satisfaction (Y). The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The population in this study are all consumers who have used goods delivery services at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City in February 2024 because the population is so large that the number cannot be known. The sample calculation uses the accidental sampling formula because the population is large, namely consumers who come to PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City. Data collection using questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis method uses validation tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear analysis, coefficient of determination, t test, f test and dominant test with the help of SPSS version 26.</em>&nbsp; <em>Based on the results of testing the hypothesis, it shows that Service Quality, Customer Value, Service Price and Consumer Satisfaction influence the decision to use PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City services.</em></p> Riskiyatul Hasanah Dedi Joko Hermawan Seger Priantono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 781 790 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2099 Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Beban Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyaan Pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2098 <p><em>The research aims to determine the influence of leadership style, workload and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City The research method used is a quantitative approach, with variables consisting of independent variables, namely Leadership Style, Workload and Work Motivation and the dependent variable, namely Employee Performance. The population in this study was 104 employees and the sample used was 44 employees based on a purposive sampling technique. The results of the research show that the Leadership Style variable (X1) has no effect on Employee Performance (Y), the Workload Variable (X2) has no effect on Employee Performance (Y), while the Work Motivation Variable (X3) has an effect on Employee Performance (Y), so it is proven if the hypothesis is accepted, the Work Motivation variable has a significant effect on Employee Performance at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo City.</em></p> Durrotun Nafisah Dedi Joko Hermawan Tatik Amani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 791 800 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2098 Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Minyak Goreng Fortune Di Supermarket Sinar Terang Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2115 <p><em>There are many aspects that a customer considers when choosing a product, for example the existing store atmosphere and price. Every time you build a company, generally all companies want to be successful in running their business. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with a causal associative approach, with the independent (free) variables Store Atmosphere (X1) and Price (X2) and the dependent (bound) variable Purchase Decision (Y). The population used in this research is consumers. Determining the number of respondents (sample) used was nonprobability sampling. Data sources include: (1) primary data, (2) secondary data. The data analysis methods used include: validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R square), and hypothesis testing consisting of the t test and F test. Research results from the simultaneous store atmosphere test (X1 ) and Price (X2) have a significant effect on purchasing decisions (Y) from the F test calculation, obtained Fcount = 272.241. Apart from that, the partial test shows that store atmosphere (X1) has a significant influence on purchasing decisions (Y) with a tcount = 3.849 and price (X2) has a significant influence on purchasing decisions (Y) with a tcount = 17.151.</em></p> Ainul Yaqin Diantoro Yayuk Indah Wahyuning Tyas Trivosa Aprilia Novadiani Haidiputri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 801 810 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2115 Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga, dan Lokasi Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Bank Syariah KCP Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2118 <p><em>Objective the purpose of this study is to determine the partial effect of service quality, price, and location on customer satisfaction at Bank Syariah.service quality, price,and location on customer satisfaction at Bank SyariahIndonesia KCP ProbolinggoCity. The type of research used isquantitative with an associative approach.The population in this study isconsumers of Bank Syariah Indonesia ProbolinggoCity in the February-March 2024 period. The number of samples inThis studywas 52 obtained from the calculation of the slovin formula. Inprove and analyze this, the validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, classicreliability, classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis, analysis of the coefficient of determination R2,Hepot test.determination coefficient analysis R2, Hepotesi test. The results showed that the quality ofservice (X1) price (X2) location (X3)partially and significantly affect customer satisfaction (Y).</em></p> Nurweni Nurweni Ngatimun Ngatimun Agustina Pujiastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 811 820 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2118 Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada UD. Probo Sakti Kota Probolinggo Sebagai Pengusaha Penjualan Ayam Potong https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2117 <p><em>This research aims to examine the partial and simultaneous influence of service quality and price on customer satisfaction at UD. Probo Sakti&nbsp; Probolinggo City as an entrepreneur selling broiler chickens. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive with surveys and causal associative. The population was 112 people, with the sampling technique used in this study being simple random sampling. The data uses a questionnaire with data analysis techniques using validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear tests, determinant coefficients, and hypothesis tests. The results show that service quality and price simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on customer satisfaction at UD. Probo Sakti&nbsp; Probolinggo City</em><em>. </em></p> M Amin Firdaus R Abdul Haris R Hery Koeshardjono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 821 830 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2117 Pengaruh Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, dan Displin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Hakamindo Petro Chem https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2119 <p><em>Occupational safety and health, work environment, and work discipline need to be considered by every company to improve employee performance. This study aims to determine the relationship and influence between occupational safety and health, work environment, and work discipline on the performance of employees of PT Hakamindo Petro Chem using associative quantitative research methods. PT Hakamindo Petro Chem employees as many as 36 employees are the population in this study and the sampling technique uses saturated sampling technique with 36 employees as samples in this study. Likert scale is used as data collection and measurement in this study. The data sources in this study come from primary and secondary data. Methods for obtaining research data, researchers used observation, documentation, and questionnaire methods. Furthermore, the data that has been obtained is analyzed using validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results of hypothesis testing in this study have proven that there is a positive and significant influence between occupational safety and health, work environment, and work discipline partially and simultaneously on employee performance, the results of this study also show that work safety has a dominant influence on employee performance</em></p> Ariyanto Ariyanto Mohammad Saiful Bahri Mutinda Teguh Widayanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 831 840 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2119 Pengaruh Stres Kerja, Beban Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Amak Firdaus Utomo Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2121 <p><em>This research was conducted at PT Amak Firdaus Utomo, Probolinggo City with the aim of this research being to examine the influence of work stress, workload and work environment on employee performance at PT. Amak Firdaus Utomo, Probolinggo City. The population in this study were employees of PT Amak Firdaus Utomo, Probolinggo City, totaling 393 employees. The sample in this study uses the technique used in this research is the simple random sampling technique. According to Dewi&amp;Pertiwi in (Devi et al, 2023) "If there are less than 100 subjects, it is better to take all of them, and if there are more than 100 subjects then the sample is taken between 10% - 15% - or 20% - 25% or more. The sample used in this research was 59 employees of PT Amak Firdaus Utomo, Probolinggo City. Analysis was carried out using validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear tests, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis tests. The results of this research show that: (1). The work stress variable has an influence on employee performance, (2). Workload variables have an influence on employee performance, (3) work environment variables have an influence on employee performance.</em></p> Saipullah Basori Agung Yatiningrum Mutinda Teguh Widayanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 841 850 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2121 The Influence of Market Value Added (MVA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Return On Equity (ROE) on Share Prices in Telecommunication Companies Listed on the IDX https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2125 <p><em>This research aims to examine the influence of </em><em>Market Value Added (MVA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Return On Equity (ROE) on share price in telecommunications companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The type of research used is quantitative, with the independent variables Market Value Added (MVA), Net Profit Margin and Return On Equity (ROE). Meanwhile, the dependent variable used is share price. The population of this research is the telecommunications companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sample selection was carried out using purposive sampling technique. The selected sample was 20 companies. The analytical method used include the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis test, coefficient of determination, t- test, F-test and dominant test. The results of hypothesis testing show that partially Market Value Added (MVA), and Return On Equity (ROE) have a positive and significant effect on share price, while the Net Profit Margin (NPM) have a negative and insignificant effect on share price. Simultaneously Market Value Added (MVA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan Return On Equity (ROE) have a simultaneously effect on share price. Market Value Added (MVA) have a dominant influence on share price.&nbsp; </em></p> Suhatina Suhatina Tatik Amani Seger Priantono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 851 860 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2125 Pengaruh Self Esteem, Self Efficacy Dan Penghargaan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Di Pt. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2127 <p><em>This research was conducted at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo with the research objective to be achieved is to determine the influence of Self Esteem, Self Efficacy, and Rewards and Partial Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Probolinggo. During the time the researcher conducted the research, the sample taken was 44 respondents using the sampling technique, namely incidental sampling technique. The type of research used in this research is quantitative descriptive research, the variables used include Self Esteem, Self Efficacy, Reward and Employee Job Satisfaction. The data analysis method from the results of this research is a quantitative descriptive method using statistics in the form of instrument tests, normality tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination and partial hypothesis testing (t test). The research results are shown by the results of a partial hypothetical test that has been carried out with a significance level of 5%. It can be concluded that 1) Self Esteem with a tcount value of 3.606 is greater than ttable 1.683. 2) Self Efficacy with a tcount value of 2.484 is greater than ttable 1.683. 3) The award with a tcount value of 3,892 is greater than ttable 1,683.</em></p> Silfi Ajeng Pratiwi Mohammad Saiful Bahri Raihan Wishal Nafis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 861 870 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2127 Pengaruh Promosi, Harga Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengunjung Di BeeJay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2146 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>The research aims to determine the influence of promotion, price and service quality on visitor satisfaction at BeeJay Bakau Resort (BJBR) Probolinggo City. The research method used is quantitative with a causal associative approach with variables consisting of independent variables, namely promotion, price and visitor satisfaction, while the dependent variable is employee performance. The population in this study was 168 visitors and the sample used was 118 visitors based on a purposive sampling technique. The analysis method uses validity tests, discriminant validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests and hypothesis tests with the help of SmartPLS 3.0. This research data uses primary and secondary data. The results of the research show that the Promotion variable (X1) has no effect on Visitor Satisfaction (Y), the Price Variable (X2) has an effect on Visitor Satisfaction (Y), while the Service Quality Variable (X3) has an effect on Visitor Satisfaction (Y) then it is proven that if the hypothesis is accepted the Work Motivation variable has a significant effect on performance.</em></p> Nuril Wulandari Ngatimun Ngatimun Yekti Rahajeng ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 871 880 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2146 Pengaruh Komunikasi Kerja, Komitmen Organisasional, Dan Konflik Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Kota Probolinggo https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2145 <p><em>This research was conducted at the Office of Education and Culture in Probolinggo City with the aim of knowing the significant influence of the variables of work communication, organizational commitment, and work conflict partially and simultaneously on employee performance at the Office of Education and Culture in Probolinggo City. The type of research used is quantitative research with a causal associative approach. Data collection techniques with interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The population referred to in this study were all employees at the Probolinggo City Education and Culture Office. Sample determination was carried out using non-probability sampling which determined a sample of 60 respondents. This research data uses primary and secondary data. The data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination analysis and hypothesis testing The results showed that work communication has a significant effect on employee performance, organizational commitment has a significant effect on performance, and work conflict has a significant effect on employee performance.</em></p> Wahyu Putri Wulandari Ngatimun Ngatimun Agustina Pujiastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 881 890 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2145 The Influence of Online Promotion, Brand Image and Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying on E-Commerce Shopee (Study on Panca Marga University Students) https://ejournal.upm.ac.id/index.php/jumad/article/view/2148 <p><em>This research was conducted at Panca Marga University with the aim of finding out the influence of online promotions, brand image and shopping lifestyle on impulse buying. The type of research used is quantitative research with a causal associative approach. The population was Panca Marga University students with a sample of 94 respondents and the sampling technique used Probability Sampling with the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method. The data analysis methods used are validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this research show that online promotion has a significant effect on impulse buying on Shopee e-commerce, brand image has a significant effect on impulse buying on Shopee e-commerce, shopping lifestyle has a significant effect on impulse buying on Shopee e-commerce, online promotion, brand image, and shopping lifestyle simultaneously have a significant effect on impulse buying on Shopee e-commerce.</em></p> Tiara Indah Amalia Mohammad Saiful Bahri Mutinda Teguh Widayanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 2 6 751 760 10.51747/jumad.v2i6.2148