: Journal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Hartawan Journal Systems<p>Intro merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan pertama kali secara online pada tahun 2022 dan dapat diakses secara terbuka. Intro secara terbuka menerima naskah dari para penulis, peneliti, para sarjana dan ahli dalam bidang-bidang seperti informatika, teknik komputer, listrik, elektronik, instrumentasi, kontrol dan telekomunikasi.</p> Penyakit Demam Tifoid Menggunakan Algoritme K-Nearest Neighbor2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Hidayatul Nur Hanifahhidayatulnh04@gmail.comHenny Dwi<p><em>Typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. Transmission of typhoid fever can occur through fecal and oral consumption of contaminated food and beverages, irregular eating patterns and lack of cleanliness in food processing sites . Symptoms in patients are analyzed by a doctor with an examination to get a diagnosis. Diagnosis of typhoid fever in patients in order to be handled quickly one of the actions that can be done by developing a system of symptoms of typhoid fever. The system was formed with a classification model from data mining techniques to diagnose typhoid fever in patients. Classification process in solving the problem of diagnosis of patients with symptoms of typhoid fever using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method. Based on the implementation and testing of the system with K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to obtain conclusions in the analysis of each patient's symptoms in the test with the system, can provide results of diagnosis of typhoid fever in patients based on testing with training data. Analysis of the highest accuracy of K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm evaluation of 20 testing data and 10 training data contained in K=9 at 75%, recall at 66.67%, and precission 75%.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Bangun Sistem Monitoring Smart Trash Berbasis Website Terintegrasi Dengan Google Maps2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Abdul Wafi WafiAbdulwafi1402@gmail.comTamam<p>Penelitian ini berhasil merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem monitoring tempat sampah pintar (smart trash) berbasis mikrokontroler dengan integrasi Google Maps untuk mendeteksi kondisi tempat sampah secara real-time. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing sensor memiliki tingkat akurasi yang berbeda, dengan sensor ultrasonik mencapai akurasi 100%, sensor loadcell memiliki akurasi 6%, dan modul GPS Neo 6M menunjukkan akurasi lokasi dengan error sebesar 2,997 meter. Sistem yang dirancang mampu mendeteksi volume sampah, berat sampah, serta lokasi tempat sampah dengan baik. Data dari sensor ditampilkan melalui platform Thingspeak dan dapat dimonitor secara mudah melalui aplikasi berbasis website. Dengan demikian, sistem monitoring ini dapat menjadi solusi efektif untuk membantu pengelolaan sampah, mengurangi penumpukan sampah, dan meningkatkan kenyamanan lingkungan.</p>2025-01-08T11:33:37+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Indonesia Rancang Bangun Diagnosa Penyakit Tropis Pada Anak Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Putri Wahyuni Indrawatiputriwahyuniindrawati22@gmail.comDyah<p><em> Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate which has two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season. From the climatic conditions that occur in Probolinggo district, especially Tiris sub-district, it is very likely that the people of Tiris sub-district are affected by tropical diseases, especially children, as well as limited working hours or doctor's working hours and the large number of patients who have to queue. Because of this, we need a tool that can diagnose children's illnesses in the form of a system. Application for diagnosing tropical diseases in children which can be used for initial diagnosis in children when they experience disorders in the body. The application will display diagnostic results based on the symptoms experienced by the child at that time. The application was built using the PHP programming language with the CodeIgniter Framework.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Algoritma Regresi Linear untuk Memprediksi Harga Emas2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Andini Fitriyah Salsabilahandiniafsh@gmail.comAchmad Arbi Hanafiandiniafsh@gmail.comMuhammad Sabili Nurilhaqandiniafsh@gmail.comPutra Dwi<p><em>This study aims to predict gold prices using several independent variables, including the silver exchange rate (SLV), the S&P 500 index (SPX), the United States Oil Fund (USO) stock exchange rate, and the Euro (EUR) to United States dollar (USD) exchange rate. The data used in this study is secondary data sourced from "Gold Price Data," comprising a total of 2290 observations and 7 columns. The method employed is regression, which is a technique for building predictive models based on given input values. The prediction results are evaluated based on the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value, where a smaller RMSE indicates better accuracy. The study's results show that the single-variable model has an accuracy of 73%, while the multi-variable model has an accuracy of 84%. To improve prediction accuracy, this study recommends using alternative predictive models and improving the dataset division to ensure a more representative distribution. This research not only contributes to gold price prediction but also to the development of more accurate predictive models by utilizing relevant economic variables.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> gold price prediction, regression, silver exchange rate, S&P 500 index, RMSE.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kualitas Udara menggunakan Sensor MQ-135 dan DHT 112025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Rizky Faradis<p>Air quality measurement is an important process in monitoring and understanding air pollution levels and their impact on the environment and human health. This article reviews the basic concepts of air quality measurement, the technology used in measurement, the parameters measured, and their significance. Air quality measurements involve taking air samples from designated locations, analyzing the composition of that air, and recording the data. Commonly used technologies in air quality measurements include the use of electronic sensors, chemical-based measuring devices, and remote monitoring with satellites. Parameters that are often measured include particulate concentrations (PM2.5 and PM10), pollutant gas concentrations such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone, as well as other parameters such as air temperature and humidity. Air quality measurement has an important role in maintaining human and environmental health. Data generated from these measurements is used to identify air pollution levels, measure levels of compliance with emissions standards, and develop effective environmental policies. In addition, air quality information is also used to inform the public about potential health risks and provide recommendations to protect themselves. With increasing attention to climate change and public health, measuring air quality is becoming increasingly important. The development of more sophisticated measurement technologies and wider monitoring networks has enabled a better understanding of air pollution and efforts to reduce it. This article illustrates how important air quality measurement is in addressing today's global health and environmental challenges.Keywords: air quality, measurement technology, measurement parameters, public health, policy</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Pengunci Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Dengan Integrasi Keypad dan LCD2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Delvina Salma Dwi ‘ Putra Putri<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The development of an automatic locking system based on an Arduino microcontroller offers a modern solution to enhance security and access efficiency in various environments, such as homes, offices, or public facilities. This system integrates a keypad as an input device for access codes and an LCD as a display medium for user information. Using Arduino as the core controller, the system processes input from the keypad and provides visual feedback by displaying the lock status on the LCD. Additionally, the automatic locking feature enables the device to secure the door independently after a certain period, reducing the risk of user negligence. This study aims to design and implement a system that is simple, efficient, and user-friendly, focusing on security and practicality aspects. Testing results demonstrate that the system functions effectively, with high accuracy in code verification and resilience against unauthorized access attempts.</span></em></p>2025-01-09T10:07:54+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Transformation of Toko Madi MSME's: Improving Business in the Digital Era2025-01-30T07:49:33+00:00Tiffany Fanilam Christina Christina<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">MSMEs, which stands for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises, have a number of problems, including the lack of use of technology in business development and obstacles in accessing market information. Digital transformation allows MSMEs to utilize technology in developing their businesses, increasing operational efficiency and better accessing market information. This research aims to utilize digital transformation in entrepreneurship in the digital era and its application in the business development of Toko Madi. This research uses a mobile application development approach to create a digital platform for MSMEs "Toko Madi." This application includes a login page, profile settings, item catalog, purchase history, and management features for shop owners, such as stock management, shipping, and sales data. It is hoped that the results of this research can increase the income of "Toko Madi" MSMEs by enabling them to reach customers outside the city and take advantage of the benefits of digital transformation. This digital transformation includes the process of digitizing the business, utilizing mobile applications, and using analytical tools to increase efficiency, productivity, and innovation. In conclusion, digital transformation is an important step for MSMEs in facing challenges and competing in an increasingly competitive global market. With this mobile application, MSMEs can increase their online presence, manage their business better, and adapt to dynamic changes in the digital era.</span></p>2025-01-11T05:19:43+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##