LITERASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Ilmu Humaniora 2025-02-07T08:17:53+00:00 Sri Andayani Open Journal Systems <p><strong>LITERASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Ilmu Humaniora</strong> (P-ISSN: 2339-2193) is a half-yearly journal published by English Language Department, Universitas Panca Marga. <strong>LITERASI</strong> provides a forum for the scholar of linguistics and literary studies, with special reference to linguistics, literature, and culture. The scope of <strong>LITERAS</strong>I includes linguistic, applied linguistic, interdisciplinary linguistic studies, theoretical literary studies, interdisciplinary literary studies, literature and identity politics, philology, and oral tradition. <strong>LITERASI</strong> accepts articles from authors of national or international institutions. Authors are free of charge throughout the whole process including article submission, review and editing process, and publication.</p> AN ANALYSIS OF CODE MIXING USED BY CINTA LAURA “TANGGAPAN CINTA LAURA KALO DI TAWARIN MASUK PARTAI POLITIK” AT METRO TV YOUTUBE CHANNEL 2025-01-08T05:56:28+00:00 Hikmatul Islamia Hosnol Wafa Adi Sutrisno Sri Andayani <p>This study found the phenomenon of code mixing in Cinta Laura's conversational interactions on one of the TV stations uploaded on the Metro TV YouTube channel. The phenomenon of code mixing not only occurs in direct interactions but also often occurs in communication on social media. This happens because the dynamics of language continue to change in the social and technological context. Communication is common on social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok, and YouTube. YouTube is a means of communicating with many people, and this has a significant impact on its users, both positive and negative. This study aims to describe the forms of code mixing types in Cinta Laura's conversation. This study uses Hoffman's code-mixing theory as the main basis for analyzing the collected data. The research design uses a descriptive qualitative method, with data collection techniques through observation and recording. The data source is all of Cinta Laura's conversations that contain code-mixing. The data was analyzed from one video with a duration of 42 minutes and 34 seconds, which was found in 97 code-mixing events. The analysis results show that 80 data were found that included intra-sentence code-mixing 7 data included intra-lexical code-mixing and 6 data included Involving Change of Pronunciation. This study also found a combination of two types of code mixing, mixing between intra-sentence and intra-lexical, in 4 data. This finding shows that the dynamics of language use in social media and digital communication are very complex and influenced by various social and technological factors. The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper understanding of how code mixing occurs in everyday communication.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## AN ANALYSIS OF DIRECTIVE SPEECH ACTS USED BY NAJWA SHIHAB ON CATATAN NAJWA PODCAST “SUSAHNYA JADI PEREMPUAN” 2025-01-08T06:48:48+00:00 Ihda Rozfania Romadhona Hosnol Wafa Indra Tjahyadi Sri Andayani <p>The development of podcasts is starting to look brighter every day, with many public figures across the country competing to launch podcasts via YouTube.<strong>&nbsp;</strong>One of them is a podcast on Najwa Shihab's YouTube channel entitled "Catatan Najwa". This study analyzes used speech acts theory by John R Searle. Searle (1975) developed five illocutionary speech acts that differed from Austin's concepts and ideas. The five theories of Illocutionary speech acts are assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, declaration.The research design in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. The utterance of Najwa Shihab on Catatan Najwa Podcast is the data of this research. This research's data source is the utterances of Najwa Shihab on Catatan Najwa Podcast. The data collection methods used in this research are observation of the Catatan Najwa Podcast, then analysis based on library study (utterance of Najwa Shihab on Catatan Najwa Podcast), and validate the analysis by rechecking data and ensuring the data is relevant to the video. The data analysis description method in this research used informal method. The content used in this research is video of Catatan Najwa Podcast entitled “<em>Susahnya Jadi Perempuan</em>”. The result of 80 data includes 56 data on asking acts, 6 data on request acts, 12 data on command acts, 1 data on suggestion acts, and 3 data on prohibition acts. Based on the amount of data, the dominant data was analyzed at the request acts. The result of this study is the directive speech acts used by Najwa Shihab on Catatan Najwa Podcast found on this research. Based on the results of data analysis, there are five kinds of directive speech acts used by Najwa Shihab on the Catatan Najwa Podcast entitled “<em>Susahnya Jadi Perempuan</em>”. This research aims to show the existence of asking, request, command, seggestion, and prohibition directive speech acts in Najwa Shihab's utterances.</p> 2025-01-08T06:48:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF ARABIC AND ENGLISH AFFIXATION 2025-01-09T06:59:33+00:00 Lidia Astutik Sri Andayani Adi Sutrisno Indra Tjahyadi <p><span class="fontstyle0">This research comparative between Arabic and English affixation. This research was raised because of the assumption that when students have learned and know about one of the two languages, the students assume that the other language is difficult to understand. This research has two main objectives there are to find the differences and similarities of Arabic and English affixation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This method is employed to describe the analysis and findings, which focus on analyzing comparative between Arabic and English affixation. The data analysis mehod this research uses Metode Agih (distributional method). Metode Agih (distributional method) is a method whose determining tool is precisely part of the languge concerned, namely Arabic and English. This research gets the result, There are six differences of Arabic and English in affixation In Arabic, the addition of verbs to nouns has three affixes, namely prefix, infix and confix. While English according to katamba theory, the addition of verbs to nouns only has suffixes. The similarities there are three, In general both languages have affixed words. Both language have additional letters and meaning changes. While specifically Arabic and English can changed from verb into noun.</span></p> 2025-01-09T06:58:13+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## LANGUAGE POLITENESS PRINCIPLES USED BY TEACHER TO BUILD STUDENTS CHARACTER IN SMK TAMANSISWA 2 KOTA PROBOLINGGO 2025-01-13T05:50:35+00:00 Nur Laili Hosnol Wafa Sri Andayani Indra Tjahyadi <p>Language phenomena often occur in schools, especially politeness. Politeness is about the principles that consider whether a speech can be said to be polite or impolite. This research analyzes the types of Bahasa Indonesia used by SMK Tamansiswa Vocational School teachers. This research implements the theory of politeness proposed by Leech which includes six maxims, namely the namely tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. The aim of this research is to reveal which maxims Bahasa Indonesian teachers use in the daily teaching process of the six maxims. The method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation, and recording. After the classification process, four maxims were found, namely the generosity maxim, approbation maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. The total data found is 49 data. The 49 data consist of generosity maxim 33 data, approbation maxim 4 data, agreement maxim 3 data, and sympathy maxim 3 data. The research results found four maxims which include the generosity maxim, approbation maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. Apart from that, two maxims were found that were not used by teachers, namely tact maxim, and modesty maxim. The total data found was 49 data.&nbsp; It can be concluded that Indonesian language teachers, especially at Tamansiswa Vocational School, have succeeded in implementing Leech politeness.</p> 2025-01-13T05:50:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## DIRECTIVE SPEECH ACTS USED BY SANTRI OF ROUDLOTUT THOLIBIN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN KADEMANGAN KOTA PROBOLINGGO 2025-01-14T07:02:15+00:00 Mohammad Arifulloh Adi Sutrisno Sugeng Edy Mulyono Rasyidah Nur Aisyah <p>This study analyzes the directive speech used by the students of the Roudlotut Tholibin Probolinggo Islamic Boarding School. This study aims to describe the types of directive speech actions that exist in students of the Roudlotut Tolibin Islamic Boarding School. The scope of this research is a pragmatic field and is carried out in four places, namely Hall, Classroom, Musholla and Canteen. Speech act is a theory that considers that the meaning of linguistic expressions can be explained by following the rules that apply when performing speech acts. The speaker chooses utterances that fit the context. Directive speech is an act of speech that contains the intention of the other person to do something. Among students, there are also many uses for directive speech. Santri is a term for someone who is studying at an Islamic boarding school. The method used is descriptive-qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation and recording and using domain analysis and taxonomy. The data source consists of all Santri conversations. The research was carried out at the Roudlotut Tholibin Islamic boarding school which is located at Jl. KH. Fadhol Kademangan Kademangan Kota Probolinggo. The results of the analysis showed that there were five types of speech actions in students, namely Commanding 66 data, Suggesting 42 data, 35 data, Advice data, and Challenging 12 data. The act of commanding speech is more found because speech occurs between teachers and students.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## POLITENESS PRINCIPLES USED BY STAFF DESA SUMBERSUKO KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2025-01-22T07:04:14+00:00 Ayu Khotimatun Nisa' Hosnol Wafa Indra Tjahyadi Mohammad Zamroni <p>Language phenomena often occur in society, especially politeness. Politeness is about principle that considers whether an utterance can be said to be polite or impolite. Nowadays, politeness is a matter that must be implemented in both formal and non-formal environments, and one of them in the office environment. This study analyzes the types of polite language used by Staff Desa Sumbersuko. This research implements the politeness theory proposed by Leech which includes six maxims, namely tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. The purpose of this study is to reveal which maxim is used by the staff in serving the community every day from six maxim. The method used is descriptive qualitative to describe the phenomenon in the service room of Desa Sumbersuko. The instruments used to obtain the data were observation and recording. After the data is obtained, there are several steps to determine the data form, namely: (1) Selecting the data, (2) Classification the data based on categorize, (3) Describing the data, (3) Conclusion. The result of the study is 3 maxim were found including tact maxim, generosity maxim, and agreement maxim. In addition, 2 violations were found in the staff's speech, namely generosity maxim and sympathy maxim. The total data found is 33 data. The 33 data contain 9 data of tact maxim, 3 data of generosity maxim, 16 data of agreement maxim, 3 data of violation of generosity maxim and 2 data of violation of sympathy maxim. It can be concluded that the staff desa successfully implemented politeness by Leech in serving the community.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## LANGUAGE VARIETY OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES AT PUSKESAMAS BANTARAN KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO 2025-01-22T07:05:08+00:00 Nur Ismi Amalia Sugeng Edy Mulyono Rasyidah Nur Amalia Nuril Hidayati <p><strong>:</strong> This study analyzes the language variety used by nurses and patients of health care services at Puskesmas Bantaran Kabupaten Probolinggo. Language variety refers to variants of language caused by the speakers’ different backgrounds. Puskesmas Bantaran is a referral puskesmas with medical personnel and patients from different backgrounds and it causes challenges in the communication process during health care services. The theory used to analyze the data in this study is the theory from Janet Holmes (2013). Language variety is divided into two aspects namely, language variety of speakers and language variety of the use. This research is important to improve the effectiveness of communication between medical personnel and patients. This research aims to describe the types of language variety used by a nurse to patients of health care services at Puskesmas Bantaran Kabupaten Probolinggo. The method used is descriptive-qualitative with data collection methods through observation, recording, transcribing, and interviews. The data source consists of all dialogs of conversational interaction between a nurse and patients of health care services containing language variety. The data were analyzed from 24 conversations, resulting in 101 language variety. The results of the analysis show that there are two language variety of health care services in the interaction between a nurse and patients, namely language variety of speakers and language variety of the use. The language variety of speakers has 87 data which is divided into five types, namely social status and ethnicity (51 data), gender (10 data), age (24 data), and social network (2 data). The language variety of the use or register of health has 14 data. These findings reflect the social interaction between a nurse and patients of health care services.</p> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE CRISIS OF TRUST IN THE LEADERSHIP SYSTEM PORTRAYED IN INDONESIAN SHORT STORIES: A SOCIOLOGICAL LITERATURE STUDY 2025-01-23T07:20:12+00:00 Agung Wijianto Swastya Dharma Pradnyan <p>The <em>Antologi Cerpen Indonesia-Malaysia</em> is a collection of works by writers who share a common linguistic background: the Malay language. In addition to linguistic similarities, the social life of the communities also exhibits commonalities. This is reflected in the three short stories featured in the anthology: Bendera Yang Kembali Berkibar, Dialog Dua Generasi, dan Mencuri Perahu<em>. </em>This study aims to describe the reflection of the world of ideas and concepts in relation to the reality of societal life, considering that the writers share a historical background of having experienced colonization. A prominent discourse in each story is the crisis of trust, which is vividly portrayed in the characters' debates. The research method used is descriptive-analytical, with a sociological approach to literature. The analysis goes beyond merely explaining the narratives; it also seeks to provide an understanding that aligns with the study's focus. The findings of this research reveal the reality of the crisis of trust in leadership within society, the representation of this crisis in the three short stories, and the connection between the literary works and the social realities of the communities they reflect.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE USE OF CODE MIXING BY NETIZEN IN THE COMMENTS COLUMN PREWEDDING PHOTO FLARES THAT CAUSED FIRE IN BROMO ON THE “PROBOLINGGOKITA” INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT 2025-02-07T08:17:53+00:00 Rofii’atul Fajriyah Nur Aini Hosnol Wafa Indra Tjahyadi Sri Andayani <p>This research analyzes the phenomenon of code mixing in digital interaction in Indonesia, focusing on comments on the "probolinggokita" Instagram account. Code mixing is a common occurrence in social media communication, where users combine various languages in a single message. Social media platforms like Instagram facilitate communication with diverse groups of people, where language use can significantly impact social interactions. This research analyzes the code mixing phenomenon by netizen in the comments column prewedding photo flares that caused fire in Bromo "@probolinggokita" on a post about the Bromo Mountain fire incident. The study focuses on identifying types of code-mixing based on Hoffmann's (1991) theory, which includes intra sentential, intra lexical, and involving change of pronunciation code mixing, and combines from each types. This research aims to provide new insights into sociolinguistic phenomena in Instagram comments and understand the factors influencing code mixing usage in social media contexts. This research aims to describe the forms of code mixing that appear in comments on the "probolinggokita" Instagram account. The method used is descriptive-qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation and recording. The data source consists of all comments containing code mixing on the account. Data were analyzed from 64 comments containing code mixing. The analysis results show that there are six significant code mixing patterns: Intra sentential Code Mixing 49 data, Intra lexical Code Mixing 4 data, Involving Change of Pronunciation 5 data, combination of Intra sentential and Intra lexical 2 data, combination of Intra sentential and Involving Change of Pronunciation 2 data, and combination of Intra lexical and Involving Change of Pronunciation 2 data.</p> 2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##