LITERASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Ilmu Humaniora <p><strong>LITERASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Ilmu Humaniora</strong> (P-ISSN: 2339-2193) is a half-yearly journal published by English Language Department, Universitas Panca Marga. <strong>LITERASI</strong> provides a forum for the scholar of linguistics and literary studies, with special reference to linguistics, literature, and culture. The scope of <strong>LITERAS</strong>I includes linguistic, applied linguistic, interdisciplinary linguistic studies, theoretical literary studies, interdisciplinary literary studies, literature and identity politics, philology, and oral tradition. <strong>LITERASI</strong> accepts articles from authors of national or international institutions. Authors are free of charge throughout the whole process including article submission, review and editing process, and publication.</p> Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Panca Marga en-US LITERASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Ilmu Humaniora 2339-2193 AN ANALYSIS OF SEGMENT INSERTION, ADD NEW FEATURE, AND PHONEME CHANGE OF THE INDONESIAN PRONOUNCED BY KOREAN YOUTUBER <p>This research aims to describe the segment insertion, add new feature, and phoneme change of the Indonesian pronounced by Korea Reomit, Ujung Oppa, and Bandung Oppa as Korean YouTuber. The research design in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection methods used in this research are observation, listening, and note-taking. The contents used in this research are nine video contents. For the nine YouTube short contents are 80 pieces of data from three Korean YouTubers. The result of 80 data includes 16 data on segment insertion, 44 data on add new feature, and 20 on phoneme change. But, at the first subject, no phoneme change was found. Based on the amount of data, the dominant data was found at the add new feature. The result of this study is the segment insertion, add new feature, and phoneme change were found at the object of this research.</p> Ismi Ainul Maghfiroh Sri Andayani Hosnol Wafa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 2 2 1 17 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1773 LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS ON COFFEE SHOP SIGNBOARD IN KOTA PROBOLINGGO <p>This research is about linguistic landscape in Coffee Shop Signboard in Kota Probolinggo. This research is focus on language varieties that are used at coffee shop signboard in Kota Probolinggo and the informational function of the Coffee Shop Signboards in Kota Probolinggo. This research is included in descriptive qualitative method. It is chosen because relevant with objective to the study which is describe the phenomenon by word. This research finds that Indonesian is dominant as cafe’s name. It is because Indonesian is easier to understand than foreign language and local language in spoken and written. English is the second language that is used. There is foreign language namely Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Indonesian – English, and Indonesian – Javanese. The function of signboard is as identity, promotion media, and area marker of coffee shop.</p> Nur Dini Prihatini Indra Tjahyadi Sri Andayani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 2 2 18 37 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1774 EXPLORING THE MULTILINGUAL DELIGHT: A LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF CODE SWITCHING AND CODE MIXING IN LIVY RENATA'S YOUTUBE VIDEOS <p><sub><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">This paper aims to analy</span></span><a name="_GoBack"></a><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">ze code mixing and switching used in one of the question-and-answer YouTube videos between Livy Renata and Chateez, along with the types of code. In this study, researchers used theories by Muskeyn (2000) to analyze code-mixing types and theories by Holmes (2013) to analyze code-switching types. Musyken (2000) explained three types of code mixing: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. As for code-switching theory, Holmes explained three types of code-switching: tag switching, inter-sentential switching, and intra-sentential switching. This research raises the problem of what types of code-switching and code-mixing are used by Livy Renata and Catheez on the Livy Renata YouTube channel. There are several methods carried out by researchers in collecting data, such as video search, watching videos, listening to audio, and identifying code switching and code mixing. The researchers obtained that six sentences use code-mixing with insertion type, five sentence uses alternation type, and four sentence uses congruent lexicalization type. This research also shows the use of code-switching found in the video: there is a type of tag switching of 1 sentence, then a kind of inter-sentential switching of 4 sentence, and a type of intra-sentential switching of 1 sentences.</span></span></sub></p> Nabila Farah Abidah Margaretha Jihad Fitri Sabilillah Alfy Rifngatul Habibah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 2 2 38 50 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1460 THE USE OF DEIXIS IN THE TEXT OF THE KING CHARLES III’S SPEECH IN THE KING CORONATION <p>This study analyzes the transcripts of King Charles III’s speech. The purpose of this study is to find out what deixis is used in King Charles III’s speech. Deixis is a form of language in the form of words and others that function specifically outside of language. In other words a form of language can be said to be deixis if the reference moves or changes according to who is the speaker and also depends on the time and place. So, in other words, deixis are words that do not have fixed reference. The scope of this research is pragmatic. The theory used is based on the theory by Levinson which explains the five deixis. Levinson’s theory is used in this study because Levinson explains personal, time, place, social, and discourse deixis types in more detail and comprehensively compared to other theories. This research is qualitative and descriptive method. Data collecting technique is the observation method. This study focuses on data collection, namely written documents in the form of text. The data source for this study is the transcript of King Charles’s speech <em>“</em><em>Deixis Analysis of King Charles III’s Speech In The King Coronation</em><em>”</em><em>.</em>To analyze the data of this study, after collecting data from speech transcripts, the data of this study analyzed as follows: first, identify some words or phrases that are included in deixis expression. Second, the classification of predetermined deixis clauses based on criteria. Third, the data analyzed based on Levinson’s theory in 1983 which defined the types of deixis, namely: Person Deixis, Place/Spatial Deixis, Time/Temporal Deixis, Social Deixis, and Discourse Deixis. The latter determines the type of Deixis used in King Charles’s speech. The validity of qualitative research in this study can be seen by re-checking.There are two methods and techniques for presenting data analysis, namely formal and informal method. This study has 5 types of deixis used. There are 109 utterances using Person Deixis, 3 utterances using Place Deixis, 8 utterances using Time Deixis, 9 utterances using Social Deixis, and 12 utterances using Discourse Deixis.</p> Hilda Izza Oktaviani Hosnol Wafa Sri Andayani Indra Tjahyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 2 2 51 61 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1776 DEVELOPMENT OF VOCABULARY ON KBBI I – ONLINE KBBI EDITION VI <p>Vocabulary are&nbsp; the important elements or the basic from a language that should be mastered in learning of a language.We will not be able to pronounce or write down of something if we don’t know or master of vocabulary. We will not be able to communicate and&nbsp; interact each other without master of vocabulary of a language.By the development of time and the development of&nbsp; language, the vocabulary of many languages should be developed because they need to use of that vocabularies. The vocabularies will be developed and will be continously developed for next time. There are many factors that caused why the vocabularies continously developed, they are:Education, Social and Culture, Economic, Technic, Information and Technology. the surrounding in our environment and there are many factors which influence of the development of vocabularies from the other languages. We are the academics and as the citizen should be participate in the folowing of the developmet of our language and the other languages to enriches and spread out of our knowledge and our mind to the development of&nbsp; vocabulary of the other language.In Indonesia KBBI is a media that accomodate vocabularies which has published until 6th Editon, they are Edition I – Online Edition.</p> Sugeng Edy Mulyono Mohammad Zamroni Nuril Hidayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 2 2 62 67 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1783 AN ANALYSIS OF TANSLATION QUALITY OF NOUN GROUP IN THE NOVEL THE BODY IN THE LIBRARY BY AGATHA CHRISTIE <p>This research focuses on the Tanslation Quality of Noun Group in the Novel “The Body in the Library” by Agatha Christie to provide an explanation of the quality of the translation and find the noun groups contained in the novel. This research is important to do, because the quality of translations currently available cannot be measured for accuracy, so it can cause differences in the meaning that is conveyed from the source language to the target language. The theory used in this research is Halliday's systemic functional linguistic theory. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method. This method was chosen because we wanted to describe the quality of the translation in the noun group found in the novel The Body in the Library. the data in this study using the indirect observation and transcribing technique. indirect observationis done by reading novels. While note-taking technique is a data collection technique whose data source is written data. transcribing techniqueis used to write clauses containing noun groups in the novel the body in the library by Agatha Christie. This study uses the Spradley ethnographic method in analyzing the data Based on research conducted, The results of the noun group study are found 226 data and 11 contruction. D+T noun contruction 77 (34.07%) data. The next construction is D+C+T, 42 (18.58%) Data. The following are D+E+T&nbsp; and D+T+Q noun group contruction. Each of them is found 28 (12.23 %) Data. D+C+T+Q noun group contruction is found 15 (6.63%) data. The T+Q construction is found 9 data (3.93%). E+T construction is found 8 (3.53%) data. The D+E+C+T and D+E+T+Q noun group constructions have the same data. Each of the is 6 (2.65%) data. Furthermore, there are constructions D+E+C+T+Q and T+T which have only 1 (0.44%) data of each. Based on quality of noun group translation viewed from Systemic Functional Linguistics, 147 ( 83%) data are accurate. 79 (17%) data are not accurate.</p> Moh. Tarojjil Mahbub Adi Sutrisno ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 2 2 68 77 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1784 AFFIXATION OF TENGGER JAVANESE LANGUAGE: AN ETHNOMORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH <p>Tengger is one of the tribes on the island of Java, especially East Java. As the general public knows, the Tengger tribe has its daily language, namely Tengger language. Even though this tribe is located in the middle of an area that experiences language mixing, the Tengger tribe still uses their language in everyday life. The language, which more or less still uses Old Javanese, is an interesting object to research, one of which is the word affixes used in the Tengger language. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze the problem. The research was carried out using the interview method so that researchers could understand what affixations are used in the Tengger language. After obtaining data results from sources, this research validated the data with people who were experts in the Tengger language. The results of data analysis from affixations in the Tengger language can be concluded that ten types of prefixes were found in the Tengger language, namely {di-, N-, kə-, neʔ-, mə-, digə-, ka-, pi-, paN-, taʔ-}. Two infixes from the data analysis results are {-əl-}, and {-əm-}. Seven suffixes are found in the Tengger language: {-an, -nan, -e, -ne, -a, -ən, -ana}. So, the total is 19 kinds of affixes found in the Tengger language.</p> Adinda Amirah Arliansyah Sri Andayani Indra Tjahyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 2 2 78 89 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1883 A STUDY ON MAIN CHARACTER’S OBSESSION IN “PERFUME: THE STORY OF A MURDERER” NOVEL BY PATRICK SUSKIND <p>The study is intended to enrich the knowledge of literature and literary works as the product, especially in Novel genre. The aims on this study research are to find out the main character’s obsession in <em>the Perfume: The story of a murderer’s</em> novel, and explained what is the impact of his obsession that brings him to the tragic life. The qualitative descriptive is used to apply the data collection method, the data are from the text of the novel by Patrick Suskind entitle <em>Perfume: The story of A Murderer</em>. After learn and analyze the data, the researcher knows that, <em>Perfume: the story of a murderer</em> has the main character his name is Grenuelle, and he has the big obsession to be the famous perfume creator, but it was giving impact to his life. So the researcher can analyze the story, and conclude that the obsession of the main character gives impact for his life, and bring him to the tragic life.</p> Mohammad Zamroni Mohammad Rival Diansyah Mesakh Januarta Nirbowo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-23 2024-03-23 2 2 90 101 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1884 AN ANALYSIS OF DISCOURSE STRUCTURE OF BROMO PODCAST IN YOUTUBE CHANNEL <p>This research is about the study of discourse in the Bromo Podcast Episode podcast "Apa dan Bagaimana KPU Kabupaten Probolinggo?” on KPU Kabupaten Probolinggo Youtube Channel, this study aims to determine the microstructure, superstructure, and microstructure of the podcast. This research uses Van Dijk's theory, which is about the structure of discourse. Based on the research results that this podcast found the theme, structure, and language style of the speakers, it can be observed from several statements made by the speakers.</p> Juli Juli Indra Tjahyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 2 2 102 117 10.51747/literasi.v2i2.1917