Magistra: Journal of Management, Bussines and Social Sciene is an international journal, peer-reviewed, open access journal on administration, business, management, and entrepreneurship. This journal published half-yearly online by Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala.
Focus and scope - Business Administration, Business Development, Business Innovation, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Operating Management, and Entrepreneurial Innovation.
Open access - free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or institutions.
Indexed - Google Scholar

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 30-40 days after submission, acceptance to publication is undertaken in 10-20 days.
Magistra: Journal of Management, Bussines and Social Sciene published two times a year (June - November and December - May)
The submitted manuscript would be check for plagiarism using by turnitin and grammarly.


charges the following author fees:
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR) / 0.00 (USD)
Article Publication: 200.000 (IDR) / 10 (USD)
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