Kendala dalam Merencanakan Pembelajaran Inovatif di Sekolah Menengah Pertama: Analisis Faktor Sarana Prasarana danTeknologi
In the era of globalization and advances in information technology, educational institutions are required to adopt innovative learning methods, especially at the junior high school level. The teacher's role is very important in planning and implementing learning that not only focuses on mastering the material, but also develops students' critical and creative skills. However, various obstacles such as inadequate infrastructure and limited access to technology often hinder this process. These obstacles are further complicated by the challenges of integrating technology in the curriculum, where many schools face difficulties in providing stable internet access and adequate physical facilities which can hinder learning innovation. Therefore, evaluation and improvement of infrastructure as well as collaboration between schools, government and society are needed to create a learning environment that supports quality education. The aim is to identify, analyze and develop solution strategies to overcome obstacles in Innovative Learning planning in Junior High Schools. Finding the most influential factors in inhibiting the innovative learning planning process. A systematic review method that will collect, analyze and synthesize information from various relevant sources. Teachers must be able to overcome these difficulties by choosing the right learning model, using appropriate learning media, and using technology creatively by utilizing available resources so that learning becomes more quality and meaningful.