Keberhasilan Organisasi dengan Karakteristik Kepemimpinan Strategis
Leadership is attitudes and behavior to influence subordinates so that they are able to work together, thereby forming a harmonious partnership by considering aspects of efficiency and effectiveness to achieve work productivity figures that have been determined. This research uses a qualitative approach method with the type of library research or library study. The results of this research found that the key to organizational success is greatly influenced by the strategic characteristics applied in leadership. This research shows that leadership with strategic characteristics has a significant influence on organizational effectiveness, depending on the context of its use. In addition, strategic leadership reflects the quality of a leader in understanding the vision, making decisions, and driving change that is aligned with organizational goals. Strategic leadership also has an important role in creating an environment that encourages adaptive and innovative learning. This research shows that the development of strategic leadership competencies is very necessary in organizations to face the challenges of globalization and digitalization. This research also provides new understanding of the relevance of strategic leadership in continuously adapting learning organizations.