Efektivitas pengunaan frontloading dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata di kalangan siswa kelas sebelas
Abstract. This study investigates the effectiveness of frontloading strategy in improving vocabulary acquisition of grade XI students and evaluates their level of engagement and perception of the strategy. The background of this study is the low mastery of English vocabulary of grade XI students caused by a lack of motivation to learn, difficulty understanding the meaning of words, and low interest in learning. The frontloading strategy, which provides initial context before in-depth learning, was chosen because previous research has shown its potential in improving vocabulary retention and student engagement. This study used a Classroom Action Research (PTK) design with three cycles. The research subjects were 22 students of grade XI. Data collection instruments included observation, group interviews, and tests (pre-test and post-test). Data analysis used the qualitative method of Miles and Huberman (2014). The results showed a significant improvement in students' vocabulary mastery, indicated by an increase in the average score from 66.59% (pre-test) to 83.77% (post-test), with a gain score of 17.18%. Students' comprehension questionnaires also showed a positive perception of the frontloading strategy. In conclusion, the frontloading strategy was effective in improving vocabulary acquisition and student engagement. The implication is that the strategy is recommended for implementation in English language learning, with further research needed to assess its long-term effectiveness and applicability to a wider context.