Pedagogy : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan <p>Jurnal Pedagogy merupakan Jurnal yang mengkaji tentang hasil penelitian dilingkup Pendidikan<br>Jurnal Pedagogy terbit enam bulan sekali pada bulan Januari dan Juli.</p> FKIP Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo en-US Pedagogy : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan 2354-6948 IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER BERBASIS NILAI-NILAI ISLAM DI PONDOK PESANTREN <p><em>Kemajuan teknologi di era modern sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia. Namun seiring dengan kemajuan tersebut, terjadi penurunan nilai-nilai moral di masyarakat sehingga menimbulkan kekhawatiran di berbagai kalangan. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan yang berakar pada nilai-nilai Islam, yang menekankan pada pengembangan karakter dan moral, menjadi sangat penting untuk dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi implementasi pendidikan karakter di Pondok Pesantren Darurrohmah Kota Cirebon yang mengintegrasikan pesantren modern, salaf, dan sistem pendidikan nasional. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan analisis interaktif. Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren Darurrohmah menerapkan kurikulum terpadu yang menggabungkan pendidikan agama dan umum, serta memasukkan keterampilan praktis dan kehidupan spiritual ke dalam rutinitas sehari-hari para santri. Metode pengajaran yang digunakan meliputi klasikal, bandongan, muhawarah, hafalan, dan pembiasaan ibadah. Pendidikan karakter di sekolah menitikberatkan pada pembinaan moral, kemandirian, dan kepemimpinan siswa. Selain itu, sekolah juga berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan sosial yang melibatkan masyarakat setempat, menjadikannya model pendidikan yang holistik dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap pengembangan pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai-nilai Islam pada lembaga pendidikan di seluruh Indonesia.</em></p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: <em>Pendidikan karakter, nilai-nilai Islam, kurikulum terpadu, pendidikan agama dan umum.</em></p> Muhammad Dzakaaul Fikri Lani Nuryana Masdar Hilmy Masduki Masduki ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-24 2025-01-24 12 1 34 46 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2257 Aspek-Aspek Penentu Keberhasilan Kepemimpinan <p>This research aims to identify and analyze various factors that influence leadership success in an organization. Leadership is the process of influencing individual or group behavior to achieve common goals. Using a literature review method, this research summarizes various relevant literature to understand the main aspects that contribute to leadership effectiveness. Some of the main aspects found include communication skills, ability to build agreements, availability of resources, and supportive working environment conditions. Apart from that, this research also highlights three important dimensions of leadership: acceptability, capability, and integrity. The results of the analysis show that leadership success is not only determined by a leader's technical abilities, but also by interpersonal relationships and the ability to create a harmonious work environment. This research provides theoretical and practical insights that can be used for the development of more effective leadership in facing organizational challenges in the future. Further research is recommended to explore the relationship between external factors, such as organizational culture and environmental changes, and leadership success.</p> Chairunnisa TDE Angkat Mutiara Nasution Dhea Afriza Pohan Wasiyem Wasiyem ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-24 2025-01-24 12 1 1 10 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2227 Edukasi Dan Simulasi Pengendalian Bencana Alam Gempa Bumi Pada Siswa Yayasan Pendidikan Nur Adia <p>Disasters are events or series of events that threaten and disrupt people's lives and livelihoods. One of the disasters is an earthquake. Earthquakes cause injuries and deaths, some of the main factors that cause many victims in earthquake disasters are the lack of understanding of individuals about disaster management and their lack of preparedness in facing these disasters. This research aims to increase the understanding and preparedness of students at the Nur Adia Education Foundation Madrasah Aliyah located on Jl. Big Tj. Congratulations No. 100, Tj. Anom, District. Pancur Batu, Kab. Deli Serdang,&nbsp; against earthquake disasters through education and simulation. The research method uses a quantitative approach with pre-test and post-test to measure students' knowledge before and after education. The data analysis used is the dependent T Test (Paired T-Test). The results of statistical tests (p-value 0.001 &lt; 0.05) show a significant increase in the level of understanding of Nur Adia Education Foundation Madrasah Aliyah students after being given education. Education and simulation have proven effective in increasing students' preparedness for disaster risks.</p> Susilawati Susilawati Dhea Afriza Pohan Chairunnisa TDE Angkat Nur Hairini Siregar Mutiara Nasution Rahel Navilia Sihite Nadya Ramadhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 11 21 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2236 Keberhasilan Organisasi dengan Karakteristik Kepemimpinan Strategis <p><em>Leadership is attitudes and behavior to influence subordinates so that they are able to work together, thereby forming a harmonious partnership by considering aspects of efficiency and effectiveness to achieve work productivity figures that have been determined. This research uses a qualitative approach method with the type of library research or library study. The results of this research found that the key to organizational success is greatly influenced by the strategic characteristics applied in leadership. This research shows that leadership with strategic characteristics has a significant influence on organizational effectiveness, depending on the context of its use. In addition, strategic leadership reflects the quality of a leader in understanding the vision, making decisions, and driving change that is aligned with organizational goals. Strategic leadership also has an important role in creating an environment that encourages adaptive and innovative learning. This research shows that the development of strategic leadership competencies is very necessary in organizations to face the challenges of globalization and digitalization. This research also provides new understanding of the relevance of strategic leadership in continuously adapting learning organizations</em><em>.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Nadya Ramadhani Rahel Navilia Sihite Nur Hairini Siregar Wasiyem Wasiyem ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 22 33 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2246 Kendala dalam Merencanakan Pembelajaran Inovatif di Sekolah Menengah Pertama: Analisis Faktor Sarana Prasarana danTeknologi <div id="tw-target-text-container" class="tw-ta-container F0azHf tw-nfl" tabindex="0"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" data-placeholder="Terjemahan" data-ved="2ahUKEwj15r2q1LiJAxXOxzgGHX_NMKMQ3ewLegQICRAV" aria-label="Teks terjemahan: In the era of globalization and advances in information technology, educational institutions are required to adopt innovative learning methods, especially at the junior high school level. The teacher's role is very important in planning and implementing learning that not only focuses on mastering the material, but also develops students' critical and creative skills. However, various obstacles such as inadequate infrastructure and limited access to technology often hinder this process. These obstacles are further complicated by the challenges of integrating technology in the curriculum, where many schools face difficulties in providing stable internet access and adequate physical facilities which can hinder learning innovation. Therefore, evaluation and improvement of infrastructure as well as collaboration between schools, government and society are needed to create a learning environment that supports quality education. The aim is to identify, analyze and develop solution strategies to overcome obstacles in Innovative Learning planning in Junior High Schools. Finding the most influential factors in inhibiting the innovative learning planning process. A systematic review method that will collect, analyze and synthesize information from various relevant sources. Teachers must be able to overcome these difficulties by choosing the right learning model, using appropriate learning media, and using technology creatively by utilizing available resources so that learning becomes more quality and meaningful."><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">In the era of globalization and advances in information technology, educational institutions are required to adopt innovative learning methods, especially at the junior high school level. The teacher's role is very important in planning and implementing learning that not only focuses on mastering the material, but also develops students' critical and creative skills. However, various obstacles such as inadequate infrastructure and limited access to technology often hinder this process. These obstacles are further complicated by the challenges of integrating technology in the curriculum, where many schools face difficulties in providing stable internet access and adequate physical facilities which can hinder learning innovation. Therefore, evaluation and improvement of infrastructure as well as collaboration between schools, government and society are needed to create a learning environment that supports quality education. The aim is to identify, analyze and develop solution strategies to overcome obstacles in Innovative Learning planning in Junior High Schools. Finding the most influential factors in inhibiting the innovative learning planning process. A systematic review method that will collect, analyze and synthesize information from various relevant sources. Teachers must be able to overcome these difficulties by choosing the right learning model, using appropriate learning media, and using technology creatively by utilizing available resources so that learning becomes more quality and meaningful.</span></pre> </div> <div id="tw-target-rmn-container" class="tw-target-rmn tw-ta-container F0azHf tw-nfl"> <pre id="tw-target-rmn" class="tw-data-placeholder tw-text-small tw-ta" dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" data-placeholder="">&nbsp;</pre> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> Susi Irmayanti Achmad Supriyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 47 63 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2196 Analisis Implementasi Kurikulum Cambridge di Indonesia: Tantangan dan Peluang dalam Konteks Pendidikan Nasional <p><em>Pendidikan berstandar internasional semakin diminati di Indonesia, dengan Kurikulum Cambridge sebagai salah satu pilihan utama. Kurikulum ini menawarkan pendekatan berbasis kompetensi yang menekankan penguasaan bahasa Inggris, keterampilan berpikir kritis, dan kreativitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tantangan dan peluang dalam implementasi Kurikulum Cambridge di Indonesia melalui metode studi literatur. Tujuh artikel jurnal yang relevan sejak empat tahun terakhir dianalisis secara kritis menggunakan matriks sintesis untuk mengidentifikasi pola, kesenjangan, serta rekomendasi. Hasil menunjukkan tantangan utama meliputi keterbatasan infrastruktur, kurangnya pelatihan guru, dan tumpang tindih dengan kurikulum nasional. Di sisi lain, peluang meliputi peningkatan kompetensi siswa, daya saing global, dan pengembangan kurikulum hybrid yang relevan dengan kebutuhan lokal. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya strategi adaptasi, pelatihan guru, dan penyediaan infrastruktur untuk mendukung implementasi yang inklusif dan berkualitas. Rekomendasi mencakup penguatan pelatihan guru dan pengembangan panduan kurikulum hybrid. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap upaya menciptakan pendidikan yang relevan dengan tantangan global sekaligus mempertahankan identitas lokal.. </em></p> Indah Ayu Kusuma Ningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 64 71 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2243 Implementasi Program Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah Dasar <p><em>Guidance and counseling programs in elementary schools play an important role in supporting students' holistic development, but in many schools there are many that do not have guidance and counseling programs. The aim of this research is to develop an orientation and counseling program in elementary schools that covers personal, social, academic and career aspects using qualitative methods through observation and interviews. The design of this research is qualitative research with subjects consisting of teachers and students in several elementary schools. Observation and interview guide instruments will be used. According to research, the guidance and counseling program covers these four aspects, but there are challenges in its implementation, such as time constraints for its implementation. This program has a positive impact on student development, but still requires further development. This research concludes that the development of guidance and counseling programs needs to be carried out by increasing training for teachers, as well as increasing parental involvement. The implication is the need to increase teacher competency, and collaboration between schools and parents to maximize the benefits of this program.</em></p> SUKMA ANINDYA AMINARTI Annisa Putrizqy Siska Siti Hotimah Putri Vanda Divaura Annisa Mutiara Andriani Triana Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 72 79 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2272 Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Cerita Pendek: Sebuah Teknik untuk Meningkatkan Daya Ingat Kosakata Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan <p>Vocabulary mastery is one of the important aspects in learning English, especially in Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using short stories as learning media in improving students' vocabulary recall. The study was conducted using Classroom Action Research (PTK) method with pre-test and post-test design, involving 36 students in class Xl in one of the vocational schools in Tangerang as subjects. The research instruments included a vocabulary comprehension test and an interview to find out students' perceptions. The data was analysed using the results of the pre-test and post-test, as well as a survey on students' responses to the method, from 72.5 in the pre-test to 82.5 in the second post-test, with a percentage increase of 13.8%. This indicates that short stories can be an effective medium to help students understand and also remember new vocabulary. Nonetheless, this researcher also found challenges in strengthening the understanding of new terms in depth. In conclusion, the use of short stories is effective in improving students' vocabulary acquisition. The implication of this study is the need for innovation in learning methods that are more interesting and interactive to increase students' learning motivation, while ensuring sustainable vocabulary understanding.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Novi Siti Noer Ajizah Imam Sudarmaji ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 80 91 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2247 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN TIKTOK DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOSAKATA BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA SMK <p><em>This study aims to explore the effect of using TikTok in improving English vocabulary of Vocational High School (SMK) students. In the digital era, social media such as TikTok has become an effective and engaging tool for interactive learning. The research method used was a quantitative approach with an experimental design, involving Vocational High School students in Tangerang city as research subjects. The sample was taken randomly from the population of students in Tangerang city, with instruments that included vocabulary tests and observations. The results showed that there was a significant increase in students' vocabulary mastery after using TikTok as a learning medium. The findings also support the hypothesis that TikTok can serve as an innovative and engaging learning tool, and provide recommendations for educators to utilize this platform in the English learning process. The implication of this study shows that the integration of social media in education can improve students' motivation and learning outcomes.</em></p> mery nur awaliyah Imam Sudarmaji ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 92 100 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2249 Efektivitas pengunaan frontloading dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata di kalangan siswa kelas sebelas <p>Abstract. This study investigates the effectiveness of frontloading strategy in improving vocabulary acquisition of grade XI students and evaluates their level of engagement and perception of the strategy. The background of this study is the low mastery of English vocabulary of grade XI students caused by a lack of motivation to learn, difficulty understanding the meaning of words, and low interest in learning. The frontloading strategy, which provides initial context before in-depth learning, was chosen because previous research has shown its potential in improving vocabulary retention and student engagement. This study used a Classroom Action Research (PTK) design with three cycles. The research subjects were 22 students of grade XI. Data collection instruments included observation, group interviews, and tests (pre-test and post-test). Data analysis used the qualitative method of Miles and Huberman (2014). The results showed a significant improvement in students' vocabulary mastery, indicated by an increase in the average score from 66.59% (pre-test) to 83.77% (post-test), with a gain score of 17.18%. Students' comprehension questionnaires also showed a positive perception of the frontloading strategy. In conclusion, the frontloading strategy was effective in improving vocabulary acquisition and student engagement. The implication is that the strategy is recommended for implementation in English language learning, with further research needed to assess its long-term effectiveness and applicability to a wider context.</p> Khoirotun Nissa imam sudarmaji ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 1 101 110 10.51747/jp.v12i1.2251