Perbaikan Kualitas Pengasahan Pisau 5 Feet di Subsi Grinder Dengan Seven Quality Control Tools (Studi Kasus di PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia)

Improving the Quality of 5 Feet Knife Sharing in Subsi Grinder with Seven Quality Control Tools (Case Study at PT KUTAI TIMBER INDONESIA)

  • Moch. Slamet Universitas Panca Marga
  • Haryono Haryono Universitas Panca Marga


In the face of the globalization era that is increasingly competitive, a company is required to be able to
devise competitive in order to survive and win the competition. Because it needed a solution to improve the quality
of the product so that it can assist in winning the competition with its competitors. PT. Indonesia Timber Kutai
(ITC) as a company engaged in lumber and plywood production was should be able to survive in an increasingly
tight competition.
Plywood is formed by layers of sheets – sheets of wood called veneer. The quality of the veneers will effect
the quality of plywood produced by PT Indonesia Timber Kutai. To get a good veneer quality then needed a good
combination between the blade with the machine. Researchers do research on the condition of the blade. A place
for pengashan blade is subsi Grinde
The cause of the majority of the knife is a blunt knife quickly, so the quality of the produced veneer would
be ugly. Researchers try to find problems – problems encountered and immediately make the effort improved
sharpening results with seven quality control. For the results of his research is before there is an improvement
obtained 22 case knife quickly dulled from 72 blade, after no improvement, found only 1 case of only fast knife
dulled from 72 blades.
